Paudie Birmingham of Mallow AC has just put up a gallery of 205 photos of the 2008 Cork City Marathon. Most of them are taken just after the 1 mile mark and after the 3 mile mark along the quays. Because the field is still bunched together, a lot of runners can be seen in each photo.
They can be found at the following address... http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/padraicbirmingham/CorkMarathon2008
Each photo has been reduced in size to conserve memory. If you would like a copy of the original picture in high quality, Paudie can e-mail them to you. Just take a note of the web address of the picture or the number of photo (...say 30 of 205). Then send me an e-mail and I'll forward on your details to Paudie. You can find my e-mail address on the right hand column of this page.
Full photo set available now on asiphoto.net They are a bit steep though whether you want individual photos or a full set. 60 quid for the latter!
official photos now on asiphoto
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