Welcome to the Running in Cork blog, home of the Cork running community. This is the largest website in Cork & Munster for news on road races and general running news. Included are a current race calendar, race previews, photos, results as well as some local, national and international news items.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Results of the 5k parkruns in Cork - Sat 29th April 2023
Guest Post: Autumn Marathon... by Pat Walsh
** Autumn Marathon **
Thanks everyone for the comments on my last post. Very informative of your feelings and thoughts.This advice is still applicable to anyone doing an Autumn Marathon.
April is nearly gone and May is just around the corner. How is your training going?
Hopefully at this stage your weekly mileage is at least 20 miles with one long run of 10 miles included in that.
What is next….Keep up the consistent training.
Weekly total should be heading now towards 25 miles. You can still get by with 3 runs a week or 4 if the extra run is an easy few miles.
Don’t over-train as you will get fed up in a few months when the real work should be starting.
Plan ahead so that you get your runs completed. You are still building your base fitness and should be getting stronger each week. There will still be a bad day or week, we all have them, but generally you should be feeling good about the training. Think about including a half marathon race in the next month or 2.
It will give you a focus and also give an early indicator of possible Marathon finishing time and how to set the pace for you weekly runs.
Mix up some shorter midweek local races instead of a Tempo / Interval session. It is good to get out and mix it up and meet some fellow runners and share a moan or 2.
Don't forget to stretch, foam roll, rest, relax go to an odd Gym class that includes overall stretching and mobility.
As you move into higher mileage on the long run it is good to try out ways of refueling the body. You might not need anything for a 12 mile run but now is the time to see what works for you (and more importantly what doesn’t…!) Gels, Jellies, Bars, Lucozade sweets, energy drinks, Tablets in the water. Loads of options and see what suits you best. Start the experiment now.
It is a good idea to find running buddies for your long runs. Someone around the same pace as yourself is ideal. Company is good on those runs as we all have times when we need a little lift to just keep going and less likely to skip a run if you promised to meet someone. There is a lot of help online, lots of training plans and ideas and support groups for encouragement. These are all excellent to help share problems, pain and get some advice.
It is a big undertaking in terms of time, commitment and money. Give yourself every chance of succeeding and getting the best out of yourself and the day. Get help if you feel you need it and have someone else minding you to keep you on the right road and to help, encourage and advise. Plan well and dream big.
#PWR #KeeponRunning
Friday, April 28, 2023
Results of the East Cork Road Championships in Ballynoe - Thurs 27th Apr 2023
Pos Forename Surname Category Club Time
1 James McCarthy East Cork AC 26.14
2 Tony Forristal Individual 26.22
3 Nick O'Donoghue East Cork AC 27.16
Women's Race
Pos Forename Surname Category Club Time
1 Fiona Santry F35 East Cork AC 11.03
2 Vicki Spiteri Midleton AC 12.10
3 Suzanne Alcock Ballymore Cobh AC 12.20
Full results HERE
Notice: Fast 5k in Dundrum, Tipperary coming up on Wed 3rd May 2023
This is a very fast 5k course as it's flat with long straight sections.
More info HERE
Friday Jigsaw: Karen Fenton 5k - Apr 2023
For this weeks online jigsaw, we have a photo taken last Sunday at the Karen Fenton 5k in Ballinora.
This one has 117 pieces and you can find it HERE
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Is the €2 race levy for road races the thin end of the wedge???
In a blog post last week, I reported on how Athletics Ireland were facing a legal challenge on their new 'One Day Licence' which costs €2. The challenge as far as I know has more to do with their use of one company for online entries... i.e. eventmaster ...rather than the concept of a one-day licence itself.
The legal challenge generated some discussion and it seems that there is also some disquiet within the cycling community about Cycling Ireland about their similar one-day licence.
Their one-day licence primarily covers non-club cyclists in what they term 'Leisure Road' events. This might be the likes of say a 50km or 100km looped cycle on public roads. I had seen this before at the end of last year and I noticed that the Cycling Ireland 'One Day Licence' fee was €10.
I guess cycling at speed might be considered more dangerous than say running a 5k road race and I presume this would account for why this is more expensive than the Athletics Ireland €2 fee. There also seems to be a lot fewer of these cycling events in any one area so it's not like the running scene in Cork where there's a race nearly every week.
After last weeks post, it was reported that the Cycling Ireland one-Day Licence fee had doubled in February of 2023 from €10 to €20!
"The cost of a One Day Licence (Event Licence) for non-members of Cycling Ireland is set to increase to €20/£18. The change comes into effect from the 1st of February 2023." - Post on Cycling Ireland website HERE
That raises this obvious question...
Q. Is Cycling Ireland can double their One-Day Licence fee, what's to stop Athletics Ireland doubling theirs?
Is the €2 fee the thin end of the wedge? How long before it increases to €3? Or doubles to €4 because of 'inflation'?
On one side, we have free 5k parkruns and BHAA races costing €5/€10 to enter and on other side, we have club races with entry fees heading ever upwards. The gap between them is continuing to widen. In the long term, it's hard to see all of the athletic club races surviving.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Notice: IMRA 6.2km trail race in Rochestown Woods - Wed 3rd May 2023
IMRA are holding a 6.2km trail race in Garryduff Woods in Rochestown on Wednesday 3rd May 2023.
This woods is the largest woods within the city limits and is very popular with walkers. It's a hilly route so it would suit anyone that is comfortable running 10kms.
On a sunny evening, it really is a lovely spot.
Enter here... https://imra.ie/events/view/id/2274
As with all IMRA events, an annual membership of IMRA costing €10 is required.
DATE: Wednesday 3 May, 2023
CLIMB (M):200
RACE MARKING: Route fully marked - Route fully marked
ENTRY CLOSES: 2023-05-02 18:00:00
ENTRY COST: €7 for seniors, €5 for over 65s and under 18s
GETTING THERE: Rochestown / Garryduff Woods is located to the south-east of Cork City.
Most people will probably be coming from the South Ring Road. At the Bloomfield Interchange, follow the signposts for Passage West. This will take you down the slip road by St. Patrick’s Church to a small roundabout. Take the Passage West exit and after almost 200m, take a right up Clarke’s Hill. You will see the signpost for Garryduff Sports centre and Mount Oval bar. At the end of this road, you come to a T-junction, the entrance to Rochestown Woods is straight ahead.
Unfortunately, parking facilities are not available at Garryduff Sports Centre so please do not park here. Parking is limited so car pool where possible. We suggest you park by Rochestown Inn (there is a car park across the road), along Upper Belmont Avenue or Upper Kensington. Please be considerate of local residents. NO PARKING IN THE LANE leading to the woods and under no circumstances is the lane to be blocked as urgent access may be required.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
(By John Walshe, Midleton & Dist News/Youghal News, 20/04/2023)
It was all so different 40 years ago but that certainly didn’t deter two determined Aghada men, Barry Moran and John Motherway, to set out on what was the experience of a lifetime.
Both share a common love and a lifetime of service to the GAA at local level and further afield. This has ensued in a friendship that now encompasses half a century, but each followed a different route which would eventually lead to the streets of Boston in 1983.
As Barry explains, for him it all started with a bet: “I was sitting in the mess room at IFI in Marino Point and there was an article in a magazine saying that Telly Salavas [actor who played Kojak] runs six miles a day in 36 minutes. And I said, in my own inimitable style, ‘anyone could do that’, and it started from there. I had four weeks to train and they measured out a course between Lower Aghada and Whitegate and I duly broke 36 minutes, I even broke 35 minutes with a time of 34:50.”
Then, a work-mate of his, Willie ‘Batty’ Cronin, who had served in the American army and was an experienced runner, suggested they should try a marathon. Barry hadn’t even heard of a marathon at that stage so he did a few long runs with Willie before heading off to the 1981 BLE National Marathon in Cork. This started and finished at the County Hall, comprising of 13 miles out to Farnanes and back – plus an extra 385 yards which proved to be his undoing.
“That’s where I went wrong, we were going fine up to halfway but on the way back Willie got cramp and had to drop out. I carried on and got to the 26-mile mark in around 3:25 and thought I was finished. So I sat down on the road, in the pouring rain. I was there for about three-quarters-of-an hour until a fellow cycled out and said ‘come on in, we want to go home’. I had to get up then and I finished in 4:18, the only time I was ever outside the four hours.”
John Motherway was born in Butlerstown, Barryroe, in 1943 and moved with his late wife Anne to Aghada in the early 1960s where he worked for Kosangas in nearby Whitegate. “One day, a fellow I knew came in to me and said he was running the Dublin Marathon. So I said I’d have a go myself, although I had never run on the road but I was fairly fit from refereeing. As I was friends with Barry, I started off with him, even though he nearly killed me at first.”
The hard training certainly paid off as both crossed the line at that 1981 Dublin City Marathon a second apart, 3:35:27 and 3:35:28. The following year, John had improved to 3:10 and by now both were regulars on the local running scene. But it was a chance remark while out on a training run that provided the spark which led to Boston.
“We were out running in the middle of nowhere when Barry said he was after reading in the Irish Runner magazine that the Boston Marathon was the oldest in the world. I said we should do that sometime and he agreed, as we both had relations in Boston. When I got home, I mentioned it to Anne and she said ‘the sooner ye do that the better, because God only knows if you’ll be running this year or next year’. So the following morning I rang my cousin in Boston and that’s where it all started.”
With the marathon scheduled for April 18th, Barry and John traveled out a week before - and wouldn’t return until May 1st. The hype was already in full swing when they arrived and the Aghada duo were soon part of it with an interview on the ‘Sound of Erin’ radio show. One of the presenters, John Varian, was from Cork and they were also asked back the Saturday after the marathon when John obliged with a rendition of ‘The Banks’.
“On the morning of the marathon, we were bussed out to Hopkinton where it begins,” says John. “We were there in a big high school when a fellow came along and asked ‘where are you guys from?’ I said we’re from Ireland and he said we were the only fellows with a bit of common sense as we had our ‘street clothes’ on. It was freezing at that time but we were lucky enough with the conditions later on.”
That Boston Marathon of 1983, which had a total of 5,372 finishers, proved to be a historic occasion. Joan Benoit – who would go on to win the inaugural women’s Olympic marathon the following year at Los Angeles – ran a world’s best time of 2:22:43. Greg Meyer took first in the men’s race in 2:09:00, making it the last time the host country has provided both winners on the same day.
“The crowds were unbelievable,” recalls John. “I suppose the only thing you’d be conscious of is getting carried away and not finishing after going all the way out there, if you were in Cork or Dublin it wouldn’t be so bad.”
“There were two things that happened to me that certainly gave me a great lift,” explained Barry. “Firstly, when we came to the top of Heartbreak Hill they rang a bell to say you’ve conquered Heartbreak Hill. It’s not just one hill but a series of three hills. And just after the bell, a roar went up – ‘C’mon Aghada’! It was Joe Brice, who I had gone to school with and it gave me a tremendous lift. How he picked us out of the thousands, it was unreal.”
Joe Brice, a native of Aghada and a member of Midleton AC, was an Irish international discus thrower with five senior national titles to his credit. He had gone to the University of Lowell in Massachusetts on an athletics scholarship in 1976, the first of a number of Fr Liam Kelleher’s athletes to take the scholarship route.
However, Barry’s uplift was short lived: “I was going very well and on for a time around 2:50. When I came down from Heartbreak Hill, there was a fellow with an Irish flag and I veered over to him and said ‘keep your flag flying’, and was that a mistake. He jumped up on my back with excitement and next thing I was on the ground with one of the knees cut, and that ended my marathon, although I carried on to finish in 3:10:14.”
John crossed the line in an official 3:28:10, and he had an extra incentive over the final few yards. “I was coming down and could see the line when there was an announcement that there was two minutes left for official finishers, you’d get no medal if you didn’t break 3:30.”
With a recall that’s as clear as if it was yesterday, it’s with a mixture of nostalgia and gratitude that both look back at that eventful trip of four decades ago. “I suppose the great thing is that we stayed together over there with my cousin, it was like home from home,” says John. “And it all happened totally by accident; I didn’t even know there was a marathon in Boston.”
Leaving the last word to Barry, he admits that all the credit must go to John’s late wife, Anne. “We wouldn’t have gone only for her. She said ‘if ye want to go, go now’. And be mindful, she had four small kids at that stage and to tell her husband to go away and run the Boston Marathon was a fair thing to say.
“But off we went, and what a time we had.”
Notice: Spike Island 5k - Sat 29th April 2023
The Spike Island 5k in the middle of Cork Harbour is coming up on Saturday the 29th of April 2023. This really is a unique event as it starts and finishes in the fort on the island.
The 5k cost €24 to enter and that includes the ferry transfer from Cobh to Spike Island.
Results of the Bartlemy 6k - Sun 23rd Apr 2023
The annual Bartlemy 6k was held on Sunday 23rd of April 2023 with 47 runners taking part. Results below...
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Results & Photos of the Karen Fenton Memorial 5k - Sun 23rd April 2023
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First place finish for Barry Twohig of St Finbarr's AC with a time of 16m 15s |
This years Karen Fenton Memorial 5k in Ballinora was held on Sunday the 23rd of April 2023 with 390 taking part.
Top 3 men & women...
1. 243 Barry Twohig m St. Finbarrs A.C. 0:16:15
2. 87 Chris Harrington m Leevale A.C. 0:16:39
3. 117 John Longan m St. Finbarrs A.C. 0:16:52
11. 330 Michelle Kenny f 0:18:20
15. 417 Kealey Tideswell f 0:18:59
18. 390 Jean Lucey f 0:19:10
Full results HERE
1) There are 4 galleries up on the Running in Cork Facebook page
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Michelle Kenny is the 1st woman hime with a time of 18m 20s |
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Results of the Barry O'Sullivan Memorial 5k in Dromahane - Sat 22nd Apr 2023
Place Athletes name Club Actual Chip Division Bib
1 William Verling St Nicholas 16:50 SM 532
2 Gary Walsh Bweeng Trail Blazers AC 17:06 SM 476
3 Peter Verling St Nicholas 17:18 SM 533
18 Lisa Finn Mallow AC 21:41 SF 346
20 Paula Kenneally 22:21 SF 529
22 Edel Buckley Bweeng Trail Blazers AC 22:23 SF 500
Results of the 5k parkruns in Cork - Sat 22nd April 2023
Guest Post: Is it the journey or the destination? ...by Pat Walsh
* Is it the journey or the destination *
We hear and read so much nowadays about all the various self-help and motivational quotes that are meant to inspire us. But what do any of them mean and without some practical advice attached do they make us feel empowered or inadequate. We read them, but what else do they offer other than a good quote.‘Success is a journey not a destination’
This much used quote is thrown about to enlighten and inspire us. Which is the more important. Personally the answer is, both are equal.
Success is every day you wake up and live the day. Training (running or any form of exercise) is a great help to the enjoyment of life.
Success is every day you run with a goal in mind and work towards achieving it.
Success is finishing the run or whatever challenge you set yourself.
Success is having a plan at the start of each week and ticking the boxes as you go. This makes the destination so much easier and so rewarding when you get there. Celebrate the fact that you travelled the road to get there but equally celebrate your arrival at your destination. This can be a 5k for someone starting out, or a Marathon for someone running who would love to crack it. Your Goal, Your Journey, Your Destination.
Run when you can, you don’t know when it could all come to a stop. I ran Ballintotis 4ml on Thursday night. Little did I think in 2019 that it would be 4 years until I got to go again. 2020 / 2021 was Covid and 2022 when it resumed, I had covid myself. It was great to be back again. We shouldn’t take anything for granted.
Serious Note… Ballintotis Race sets standards that others can only sit back and admire. Fun but professional, welcoming to all and a standard of organisation that would take matching anywhere.
How do we know what is around the corner for any of us, so instead of hours on Facebook or motivational websites and books, just put on your runners and get out the door. When you are running you are winning. That is fairly simple practical advice.
‘Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved’ ….Winnie The Pooh
#PWR #keeponrunning
Notice: Karen Fenton Memorial 5k in Ballinora - Sun 23rd April 2023
Friday, April 21, 2023
Friday Jigsaw: Great Railway Run - Apr 2023
For this weeks online jigsaw, we have a photo from the Great Railway Run last weekend.
This one has 96-pieces and you can find it HERE
Athletics Ireland face legal challenge on their new €2 race levy
In a previous post in October of 2022, I reported on the new Athletics Ireland 'one-day permit' and the €2 levy for non-club runners taking part in races with Athletics Ireland permits.
I think it's fair to say that people have mixed views on this. Some see it in a positive light as it's a new revenue stream for the national athletics association, some are opposed to it because it makes races more expensive and a lot more probably couldn't care less.
The merits or otherwise are covered in that earlier post but I think it's also fair to say that it really hasn't had much impact if any on race numbers. The €2 levy has been in operation now for over 3-months and the overall numbers in Athletics Ireland races in Cork seems to be up if anything.
Shannonside radio station are reporting on their website that Athletics Ireland are now facing an anti-competition challenge on their one-day license. The basis of this seems to be the fact that all race entries must now go through one entity i.e. Eventmaster whereas before, clubs and race promoters had their own choice on race entry provider.
Athletics Ireland held their annual Congress last Saturday the 22nd of April 2023 and Shannonside report... "At the end of the finance report, a Cork delegate stated “that a legal action had been raised with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission”."
They continue... "The Athletics Ireland board immediately replied they were unable to comment on a live legal action.
In a statement to Shannonside Sport, the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission confirmed “A complaint has recently been made to the CCPC alleging anti-competitive practices in this sector”.
“Due to the legal nature of this work, we are precluded from providing an indicative timeframe or updates on our examination.”
The same news item was repeated in the Irish Times but that is basically the same and based on the original Shannonside news item.
What's not clear at the moment is who made the complaint to Competition and Consumer Protection Commission? Was it an external commercial entity or was it from an individual, athletics club or county board?
As outlined in my earlier post, this new one-day license is likely to generate well over €100,000 per annum for Athletics Ireland so a legal challenge is a serious issue.
Link: https://www.shannonside.ie/sport/athletics-ireland-face-legal-challenge-on-running-tax-222327
Results of the Shandrum 4-mile road race - Thurs 20th Apr 2023
1 Karl Lenihan West Limerick AC 21:26 SM 306
2 Tomas Kiely Banteer 22:51 SM 299
3 Padraig O Donnell West Limerick AC 23:09 SM 329
5 Michelle Kenny Leevale AC 23:11 SF 418
12 Breeda McGinn Donoughmore AC 25:14 SF 439
14 Isobel Kellegher Liscarroll AC 25:34 SF 298
Full results HERE
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Results & Photos of the Ballintotis 4-mile road race - Thurs 20th Apr 2023
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First place finish for Ryan Creech in the 2023 Ballintotis 4-mile road race with a time of 19m 11s |
1 Ryan CREECH Leevale A.C. M MS 5424 19:11
2 Jake O'REGAN St. Johns A.C. M MS 5888 19:32
3 Ger FORDE Kilkenny City Harriers A.C. M MS 5883 19:41
37 Lizzie LEE Leevale A.C. F F40 5580 22:09
42 Fiona SANTRY East Cork A.C. F F35 5833 22:36
57 Sharon RYNNE Kilmurray Ibrick N.Clare A.C. F F35 5775 23:43
The full results are up on the MyRunResults website HERE
a) Pre race photos
b) Start line photos (...in fading light)
c) Some of the faster runners with about 1km to go
d) Some of the prize giving photos for the top runners
Video... Race video below...
Interview: Barry Drake of Community Radio Youghal interviews the winners Ryan Creech & Lizzie Lee.
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First place finish for Lizzie Lee with a time of 22m 09s |
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Togher on tour |
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Fiona Santry of East Cork AC was the 2nd woman home |
Results of the IMRA Gougane Barra 9.7km Trail Race - Sun 23rd Apr 2023
93 runners took part in this challenging 9.7km trail race in Gougane Barra in West Cork on Sunday 23rd April 2023.
As can be seen from the photo above, there was plenty of low cloud which made navigating on the higher ground a challenge.
Top 3 men & women
2 Brian Mullins 108 M40 0:58:05 St. Finbarrs AC Cork
3 Conor Murphy 439 M45 0:58:11 Munster Trailrunners Kerry
8 Mary Louise Ryan 1243 F40 1:08:44 Mooreabbey Milers Tipperary
14 Carol Finn 611 F35 1:09:39 Cork
15 Kristen O'Sullivan 892 F35 1:09:52 Beara AC Cork
Full results HERE
Photos HERE
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The Great Ireland Run fiasco - What went wrong???
The Great Ireland Run was held in the Phoenix Park in Dublin on Sunday the 16th of April 2023 with roughly 1800 runners taking park. It also doubled up as the Athletics Ireland National 10km Championships.
On the day, the runners were sent the wrong way at a road junction and ended up running about 8.4kms instead of the intended 10kms.
Athletics Ireland issued this statement afterwards...
National 10k Statement: Athletics Ireland and the event organiser Dublin City Harriers wish to apologise to all participants for the unforeseen circumstances that led to today’s Great Ireland Run (incorporating the national 10k championship) being less than the specified distance.
Athletics Ireland will continue to engage with the race organisers on the matter and will update national 10k championship participants when further information becomes available
First of all, let's look at what happened.
The map above on the left shows the correct course. The Yellow arrows show the initial 3km loop. At about 2.3kms, the runners should turn right onto the start/finish road and at the end of this road (Furze Road), they would turn left and start a larger loop in Red arrows. At about 7.8kms, they would carry straight on (purple arrows) and do part of the initial loop in reverse. They would approach the finish line from the West.
The map above on the right shows what actually happened. The first 2kms is fine as per the Yellow arrows. At 2.3kms, the leaders were directed straight on instead of turning to the right. They were now essentially doing the course in reverse (see Green arrows). The runners were then directed so that they then approached the finish line from the East. However, the diverted course still wasn't long enough and was about 1.6kms short of the full 10km distance.
Some runners complained afterwards about the fact that the finishing strait was blocked by people that had already finished. The key reason for this was that all of the baggage and other facilities were now on the wrong side of the finish line.
The 3.4k Loop... Whatever about the wrong route, the key thing to examine is the 3km loop as this is where the problem was.
This is the sequence of events as they were planned to happen as per the Great Ireland Run website. Note that the first wave starts at 10:00 and the 3rd wave starts 6-minutes later.
Timeline... Let's look at a timeline of events and how they likely played out.
10:00 - The first wave of sub 36 min and elite runners start. If we assume the fastest runners are going to finish around the 30 minute mark then that's a pace of 3 mins per km.
10:01 - Looking at the start line video, it took about 40 seconds for the first wave to clear the start line. That allowed about 2m 20s for the 2nd wave to move up to the start line. The front of the 2nd wave will have moved up to the start line quick enough but it will take a while before this trickles back to the rear of the 2nd wave. I suspect those at the back of the 2nd wave (50-55min runners) may not have moved much by the time the race starts for them at 10:03. In effect, the 2nd wave is now slightly stretched out rather than compact.
10:03 - The leading group in the first wave reach the 1km mark. The 2nd wave starts. Considering that the 2nd wave is probably slightly stretched out and this wave is running slower, I'd expect it might take say 90 seconds for them to clear the start line. That now leaves just 90 seconds for the 3rd wave to move up to the start line and this will be even more stretched out.
10:06 - The first wave reaches the 2km mark and is now just 300m from turning right onto the road where the race is starting. The 3rd wave starts and could take two minutes to clear the start line.
10:07 - At this stage, the front runners of the 1st wave arrive at the Chesterfield Avenue / Furze Road junction. They are supposed to turn right as shown as per the photo above. This route is blocked by small Yellow cones and the runners are told to keep going straight ahead instead. Everyone else follows them and in effect, everyone does most of the 10k course in reverse and end up running about 8.6kms instead of 10km.
As you can see from this post above from Twitter, the lead Garda bike and lead runner had intended to turn right but were directed straight ahead.
Alternate Timeline: Let's play out a sequence of events based on if the runners had turned right and stayed on the correct route.
10:07 - Front runners of the 1st wave turn right at the 2.3km junction. Half of the 3rd wave have now passed the start line.
10:08 - Front runners of the 1st wave are now 300m or so from the start line. The last of the 3rd wave runners leave the start line.
10:09 - Front runners of the 1st wave reach the 3km mark and having completed the loop, cross the start line again. The rear of the 3rd wave who are running probably slower than 7:00/km pace are now just 100-150m up the road.
10:10 - Front runners of the 1st wave reach 3.3kms and plough straight into the back of the 3rd wave. The road will be blocked for the next 200m.
My initial assessment... Based on what I think would have happened, the front runners would have ploughed into the back of the field regardless of whether everyone followed the correct course. i.e. the fundamental problem was with the course and the organisers, not with some individual standing at some junction.
This is important as the liability then rests with the organisers for not designing a proper route.
So what happened back at that 2.3km junction???... I can see two likely scenarios.
A) The race stewards or 'race marshals' as they like to call them in Dublin didn't know the course and failed to direct the lead motorbike and runners right and onto Furze Road and the correct course.
B) Seeing that the Furze Road was full of runners waiting to start and that the road was blocked, someone made a decision to send the race straight ahead and down Chesterfield Avenue instead seeing it was the lesser of two evils.
Serious Questions about the organisers... If the course and planned sequence of events was hopelessly naive, then that raises questions about who organised the race.
Organising a 10km race with 2000 or so participants would be a challenging task for even the most experienced athletics club with lots of road racing experience and a large membership.
The organising club for the Great Ireland Run was Dublin City Harriers AC. I don't know anything about the club so I went looking.
According to Athletics Ireland's own membership stats, Dublin City Harriers AC had just 39 adult members at the end of February. So my first question is...
Q1. Does a club with just 39 adult members have the resources to hold a major 10k race with 2000 participants?
You'll notice that the club also has a lot more 'senior' (21-34 year old) members than 'masters' (35 year old and above). This is the exact opposite to most athletic clubs with a large membership of road runners.
When I did a search online, it seems that Dublin City Harriers is primarily a track and field athletics club and this would tie in with the larger 'senior' membership. That then brings me to my second question...
Q2. Does an athletics club that is primarily involved in track and field events have any experience of holding a major road race?
I don't know the club so I don't have an answer but it seems very odd that a track and field club is organising a major road race.
We don't see athletic clubs that are mainly involved in road races trying to organise major track races but then again, there's no money to be made in that. That brings me to my third and final question...
Q3. For Dublin City Harriers AC and Athletics Ireland, is it really just all about the money at the end of the day?
No point skirting the issue. I think a lot of people will come to the conclusion that it's all about the money at the end of the day and the National 10k Championship is secondary. It's all about putting on a commercial race and trying to milk as much money as possible from what they see as 'recreational runners'.
In conclusion... I've laid out what I think happened and show that there were some serious issue with this race regardless of whether runners took the right route on the day or not. Looking at this race from here in Cork, I can see from the race route and planned timeline that there were serious problems that were likely to occur. Anyone experienced race organiser should have spotted these potential issues.
I think the course with the initial 3km loop and planned sequence of three wave starts was flawed and that the organisers and Athletics Ireland are liable. The event should be held again at a later date for the same participants with the option of a refund.
Athletics Ireland are quite happy to take the money for their new 'One-Day Licence' and they should be liable as well when a road championship isn't properly organised.
I think in reality they are likely to go to ground, brazen it out and hope it's forgotten about. Cash cows tend to have a short memory.
Credit: Thanks to Donal Coakley and his blog post which helped no end in piecing together what transpired on the day.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Notice: Ballintotis 4-mile road race - Thurs 20th April 2023
The Ballintotis 4-mile road race is coming up on Thursday 20th April 2023 at 8pm. This race is notable for two main reasons...
1) It's the first 4-mile evening road race in Cork after the clocks change.
2) It's the biggest 4-mile road race in Cork.
The entry link is HERE
There's always a great buzz at this race as it's one of the first big evening races in daylight.
Updates below...
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Results & Photos of the Great Railway Run 25km - Sun 16th Apr 2023
The Great Railway Run 25km race from Cork to Carrigaline was held on Sunday the 16th of April 2023 with 391 runners taking part. That figure is up a whopping 53% on the number for 2022 and is a sign of the recovery in race numbers since the pandemic.
In the men's race, the winner was Alan O'Shea and the top 3 were well spaced apart. The women's race by contrast was a much more contested affair. The photo above taken at roughly the halfway mark in Passage West shows Lorna Wolfe (376) with Nollaigh O'Neill (413). The 3rd placed woman Niamh Cronin is in the photo above with a white singlet with the orange stripe.
Top 5 men & women...
2 Michael Mc Mahon Rushbrooke 1:29:06 1:29:05 SM 401
3 Andy Goulding Glanmire 1:30:55 1:30:53 SM 14
4 David Barrett Cobh 1:32:44 1:32:43 SM 310
5 Aidan Noone Glounthaune 1:32:45 1:32:43 SM 251
21 Lorna Wolfe Cork 1:42:42 1:42:34 SF 376
27 Nollaigh O Neill Passage West 1:44:20 1:44:13 SF 413
33 Niamh Cronin Cork 1:45:28 1:45:20 SF 411
34 Joyce Wolfe Cork 1:45:40 1:45:33 SF 358
40 Laura Rooney Glanmire 1:49:15 1:49:07 F45 373
a) Under 1h 57m
b) 1:50 to 2:07
c) 2:07 to 2:33
d) 2:33 plus
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2h 20m pace group going through Passage West |
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No time to stop... the first man Alan O'Shea going through Passage West |