* A New PB *
Such a simple little two letter abbreviation that causes so much difficulty in the running world. The eternal search for the PB. It has disillusioned so many.
What is Personal Best and what does it mean to you?
Personally I have given up. I will never achieve the times I set over 30 years ago so why bother and why let it upset me. I take every race as a challenge and do my best.
PB for today
I ran a half marathon in Dungarvan on the Greenway last Saturday. It was a PB for me. Never again will I run a half marathon on that particular day, in that same spot again. So it was a PB for the race on the 30/08/2024. Another finish line, another medal and t-shirt.
Note to West Waterford Athletics Club that organised: Super, everything sorted, I enjoyed the event. I’ll be back for another PB next Year…. ! THANK YOU.
PB for Age
Lovely discussion with Geraldine last week (thanks) about PB for age. If race organisers can group us into age categories and move us as we get older, then why can’t I as a runner reset all my PB’s as I move into each new category.
So much fun doing this. What happened before doesn’t matter, it is the here and now for the next 5 years.
I’m in the M60 category, every run is a celebration, not an occasion for major introspection about what went wrong.
5K a week
Many people take part in Park Runs and local 5K races regularly over the same course. It is never the same. The wind, the temperature, the humidity all change, so no one single event can ever be replicated.
You are never the exact same person. Life and what it throws at you change constantly. Embrace the day, live for the moment.
Every Day
Every Day you run is a PB.
I met a friend for a few slow miles and a chat together. It was a PB for running and chatting.
I ran a half marathon abroad a few years ago on a free, sponsored weekend. It was a PB for running at the right pace so I could enjoy the weekend and not be wrecked.
Run for your health and mental well being and ever day is a PB day.
Final Thought
I met the Great Billy who is far older than me, when I was out running Tuesday Morning. I have mentioned him before as our local hero and inspiration. Beautiful cool morning with the sun shining and we both finished in the same spot. A chat, a smile, an encouraging word. If you could adopt his attitude, run for the love of it and hope to be running for many decades then PB will never enter your vocabulary.
Have a great weekend and if you run don't forget to celebrate your PB.