Now that the Marathon is over and the sore legs have recovered, it's easy to think that everything is back to normal and we can all go back running as normal. The general rule of thumb after a Marathon is that you should take it easy for 26 days, one day for every mile.
Have a look at this link to the BBC website to get some idea of why those legs were so sore after the Marathon......http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/athletics/6576637.stm
Runners World UK offer the following...
"What you do in the days following a marathon is just as important as what you did before. Running 26.2 miles places high demands on the body and you're likely to end up with depleted fuel stores, accumulated fluid in the muscles, dehydration and perhaps some damaged muscle tissue. So, not surprisingly, you will be susceptible to injury and infection after the race. "
"Muscle SorenessDelayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can begin eight or more hours after the race and may linger for up to a week after the marathon. For the first 24 hours after the race, apply ice (wrapped in a cloth) frequently to any painful parts of your legs, keeping it on for about 12 minutes at a time. Elevate your feet and legs for at least an hour after the marathon and for 30 minutes a day for the following week. "
"The stress of running a marathon can depress your immune system, leaving you susceptible to colds, flu and other upper respiratory tract infections in the days immediately following the race. Self-care is the best way to reduce your risk of contracting a virus, so make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat well-balanced meals and drink lots of water."
"A general lack of energy in the week following marathon is perfectly usual. Try to eat meals comprising 50-60 per cent carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen reserves, and foods rich in protein to assist your body in repairing muscle and tissue. Indulge any cravings you might have - these could be your body's way of telling you what it needs.""Scientific research also indicates that many marathon runners lose around 3mg of iron (about the amount in a serving of beef stew) per day for up to five days after the marathon, so eat foods rich in iron - including meat, spinach, beans, peaches, parsley and peas - during your post-marathon week. To promote iron absorption, drink orange juice or consume other rich sources of vitamin C with your meals. "
"Does this mean I should give the Glanmire race a skip. Just did one 4 mile easy run since marathon. Legs felt fine but I was a little bit tired afterwards( as if I had ran harder than I actually did). Heart rate was normal for this kind of run. Can't make up my mind whether to run or not!!!!!.........Cheers AJ"
"Hi AJ.....Considering that the BHAA race in Glanmire is just 9 days after the Marathon, I'd say that it is too close. It would be fine to do the 5 miles at a slow pace but not anywhere near race pace. Otherwise, you risk getting injured and you'll be out of action a lot longer. Maybe the John Buckley 5k on the 19th? This is 17 days after the Marathon, it's flat and it's only 5 kms (3.1 miles) long........John Desmond"
"Hi again John. Think I'll give it a skip. Going on hols thurs so it's easy street for a couple of weeks and pick it up again towards end of the month.Time to be sensible for a change!! Thanks again......AJ"
Does this mean i should give the glanmire race a skip. Just did one 4 mile easy run since marathon. Legs felt fine but i was a little bit tired afterwards( as if i had ran harder than i actually did). Heart rate was normal for this kind of run. Cant make up my mind whether to run or not!!!!!
Cheers AJ..
Hi again John
Think i'll give it a skip. Going on hols thurs so its easy street for a couple of weeks and pick it up again towards end of the month.
Time to be sensible for a change!!
Thanks again
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