Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Weather 10-Day Trend: Fri 8th Jan 2021 to Sun 17th Jan 2021

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Weather 10-Day Trend: Fri 8th Jan 2021 to Sun 17th Jan 2021

The weather for the next few days will be dominated by a high-pressure system to the west of Ireland. This will keep things just above freezing on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th with a cold wind from a northerly direction.

The high-pressure area will gradually drift further south and by Sunday, the winds will change around the west which will introduce a slight rise in temperatures.

By Monday, this westerly breeze will pick up some moisture as it passes over the ocean resulting in much cloudier weather. With the clouds, the temperature will about rise reaching almost double figures in the process. This will feel much milder compared to the weather we've had for the last fortnight or so.

From Tuesday to Sunday next week, we'll be on the border of low pressure and wet weather to the north and high pressure and dry weather to the south. The result is that it will be a mixed bag. We're likely to get showers but nothing too significant. We're also likely to have some dry spells. The temperatures are likely to stay in the high single figures.

Weather for running... Obviously with the very low temperatures from Friday to Sunday morning, icy roads and footpaths may be an issue during the early morning. Next week, there will be plenty of opportunities to get some runs in.

Looking at the longer term, the jet stream is still meandering about us so there may well be more cold spells over the next few weeks. We've only another 9-weeks or so to get to the middle of March when the worst of the winter weather should be behind us.

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