Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: February Pat Walsh

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Guest Post: February Pat Walsh

 * February *

" If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. 
January is for dreamers… February is for doers.”

So as we enter the month of February there is a lot to ponder on. The resolve of January is being tested while the weather and daylight has not improved enormously. We were fuelled by the excesses of Christmas and had a clear path to glory based on New Year Plans.

Now 6 weeks into the Year how are they holding up?

Don’t  despair, you are not the only one who might be finding it difficult. Short evening races and extended daylight may seem some distance away yet, BUT, they are on the way.

This is the month to dig in and keep to the plan. This is character building, stamina building and will strengthen you for the future every time you go out and train.

Maybe there may have to be some adaptations. A long run on a bad weather day may become a shorter faster effort to just get it over with and that is OK.

The main thing is to get out there. 
You will always be glad you did.
Living with the thought that we chickened out is a horrible feeling.

Who knows what the weather for future races will be anyway. We have all run in monsoon rain in Summer and the occasional time we have been roasted in March or October.

The seasons are changing, global warming is playing havoc. 
Pic below was taken 8/2/2024 and those daffodils are blooming with 3 weeks.
If they are brave enough to put out their heads then maybe you should be too.

It is never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot


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