On a day that was wet and miserable, a hardy 173 souls turned out for the annual Bandon 5 miles road race on New Years Day.
1 25:22 MCCARTHY, James East Cork AC M 05:04.3
2 25:40 MEADE, John St. Finbarrs AC M 05:07.9
3 26:02 GRUFFERTY, James Leevale AC M 05:12.3
8 27:07 FINN, Michelle Leevale AC F 05:25.3
25 30:07 CROWLEY, Carmel Bandon AC F40 06:01.3
33 30:48 FINN, Carol Leevale AC F 06:09.5
The full results can be seen HERE
1) Mick Dooley of Eagle AC has a gallery of photos HERE
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Winners of the race...Michelle Finn of Leevale AC & James McCarthy of East Cork AC |
Give the volunteers and stewards a medal. Horrible weather. At least if you are running you are warm. Tks to all involved.
It was fairly windy too!!!!!
a very hard run in the wind and rain. very disappointed when i found out that prizes and categories had been changed after the race e.g 6 first ladies went to 3. over 40 was from the top 6 ladies abit of a farce. i don't think international runners should be aloud in an ameteur race the ordinary jo soap has no chance...
That was a wild day, fair play to all runners and stewards
Well done to Bandon A.C on a very well organised race. Conditions were atrocious with rain and gale force winds facings the athletes . Congratulations to all concerned.
It might be worth pointing out that very few 'international athletes' get any sort of funding or financial support. They put in a huge number of hours training so that they can represent their country on an international stage.
What any of them might pick up by doing a few races is tiny in comparison to what they put in. If any prize money helps them in their career then so much the better.
Well done Bandon AC and especially to the stewards who were so good to stand in that weather. It was cold enough for the runners so they must be absolutely freezing. Well done!
It might be worth mentioning john desmond not everones in it 2 win it i trained hard after work for my first 5mile i also paid €10 like everyone else' well knowing that i would be near the end of the race i came in the last 10 and was thrilled 2 have done it. i do think if prizes r been advertised for races its unfair 2 change this afterwards i was there for the prize giving and no what happened a hate when people fell dubed out of a prize. if theres a first 6 ladies and an over 40's categorie it should'nt change after a race
To whomever posted the anonymous post referring to international runners/prize giving. How do you expect Ireland to produce quality athletes if they are not allowed to race in their country and also county? Athletics is an inclusive sports. It is one of the few sportts in which all ages, both genders and all levels are given an equal chance to do their own best in the same race.
As for your reference to someone winning both an age category and overall prize. How do you feel about athletes winning individual and team medals/prizes in xc races or road races, should they have to choose one or the other? Are they not deserving of the prize they trained very hard to win?
As a female athlete who ran today to better myself, my race time and not my bank balance I am very proud to be able to say that I ran against the best in Ireland and also someone who showed that quality racing doesn't end once I'm in the M35, M40 etc age category.
Great race by Bandon AC
Great stuff by the stewards and supporters who stood out in the lashing rain and wild winds. And to Bandon GAA too for providing their facilties. These events are not easy to organise.
International ? . . Same runners as last year ... Better ... Faster ... More work . More training ?.. When should local athletes stop supporting local events ?? International does not mean funded in any way ..
This was not the first time that Bandon AC changed the prize list after the race from that which was advertised, I should think that when a club obtains a Permit they should be obligated to honour what they advertise, otherwise their Permit should be void.
This is the race flyer advertising the race... http://www.bandonac.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/BandonAC_5m_NYD2015.pdf
There is no mention of whether Bandon AC would take the category winners out of the top 6 or not. I can't see any evidence that they 'changed' anything either.
Well said mary
If o40 woman or any cat.woman athlete finishes in the top 6,should she be given option of taking individual prize or her own cat.prize?
Hi, thanx to all stewards and organisers, well organized as always, am I Correct in saying a new ladies course record by the first lady home Michelle Finn? If so well done. See u nxt year.
Hi John
Are you serious read the flyer and its obviously said "first 6" done the race the last few years never again never heard of this nonsense before like someone else said its not the first time its happened.
With reference to the prize structure...a lot depends on the value of the prizes. Just because a race flyer says 'top 6 women', it doesn't have to mean the actual first 6 women across the line get those prizes.
For example, say an M40 was the 6th man across the line. The prize for the 6th man might be €30. He might have also been the fist M40 in the race and the prize for the 1st M40 might be €50. Should he be given the lesser value prize just because he finished in the top 6?
By giving category prizes to those in the first 6, they can give modest prizes for the 4, 5, 6 th places and decent prizes for the 1st in the categories. Otherwise, they would have to either make all the top 6 prizes equal to or greater than the 1st category prize...which would be expensive....or they would just cut back on the top 6 and make it top 3.
I don't understand what all the fuss is about, relating to this topic of prizes.
I am part of the vast majority of runners on the Cork and Munster road running scene who are always well down the field and am never (and never will be) within a donkey's roar of a category prize. In fact, I couldn't tell you from one race to the next, what the prizes are, if any.
The majority of runners like myself are just grateful that there are a lot of people out there who freely give of their own free time to organise routes, gardai, stewards, food, timings etc.. For this, I am very grateful, and for me and loads of others like me, the challenge is to beat or better ones own personal time.
Well said Johnny G.
Bandon Athletic Club would like to thank all those athletes who supported our race on New Years day in what were very challenging weather conditions. There were many excellent performances on the day and we hope that everyone enjoyed the race and post race hospitality. Last year David McCarthy set a new course record in the men's category and this year we were delighted to see women's record being broken by Michelle Finn from Leevale AC. Michelle won the women's category in a new course record of 27.07 which was an exellent performance and we wish her and all competitors the very best in the 2015 season.
There has been some discussion around whether the prizes changed on the day of the race which is absolutely not the case and the full list of prizes as detailed were available on the race day. The confusion arises when a master athlete finishes in 4th, 5th or 6th place overall in race. If they finish in any of these places they are given their category prize and not one of the 4th, 5th or 6th place prizes. This is the same approach we have taken on other years but in future we will clearly make this information available before the race day to avoid and confusion and disappointment.
Again thanks to all the athletes for supporting our race. We would like to thank all our helpers and stewards who also braved the weather conditions, giving of their time freely to ensure we could host this event.
Yours in Sport
Tom Laffan
Bandon AC
Thanks Tom, thats all it took a simple and clear explanation, hope its all put to bed now. Well done Bandon ac.
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