Just one week later on the 8th of June, the weather conditions for a Marathon were a lot more favourable.

The graph above shows the temperature recorded on an elevated site near Cork city one week apart. The actual temperature in the city may have been a bit higher, especially in sheltered spots.
On Marathon day, the temperature was already 16 degrees by the time of the start of the race and just 2 hours later had climbed above 21 degrees C. In all likelyhood, there were spots along the course that were close to 25 deg C especially in the afternoon.
Compare that to the weather 1 week later when it was overcast all day with a wind from the North-East. At 9am, it was only 12 deg C and it struggled to get to 15 deg C in the afternoon.
For the last 3 years, 2007 and 2009 were above 20 deg C and 2008 was not too far behind. The Cork Marathon seems to be getting a reputation as a Marathon at the wrong time of year. However, what if the Marathon had been on the 8th?........imagine the difference that 10 deg C would make.
you are right, the weather could have been very different, but it wasn't! Some of my running mates were not willing to risk it again this year and are going to Dublin instead. After seeing the weather again this year they are really glad. Would love to do Cork again but the timing is a bit off putting! Love the blog
Yes John,I have ran the 3 Cork Marathons and this was my slowest and my Last::After Training so hard and feeling had a great marathon in me this year cant help but feel little angry even though no ones fault so no one to take it out on?
Organisers and Stewards did such fantastic work on the day to help our run go successful but like myself and many i have spoken to The Sun and humidity BEAT us ..
So Dublin for me all going well?
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