(Mick Dooley of the Cork Business Houses Athletic Association is writing a 12 part series of articles for the Evening Echo. He has very kindly sent them on to me so that I can put them up here on this blog. They are written with the beginner in mind. Part 3 is based on 10 weeks to go, about the 24th of March)
Week 3...Champion Sports Cork City Marathon and Team Relay Event
Team relay event
2007 saw the introduction of the team relay event. It was a bit of a shot into the unknown for race organisers but thankfully with a bit of research and planning this proved to be a very worth while rewarding experience for all concerned.
This year’s marathon will once again include the team relay event and as the name suggests is a marathon for everyone. It should be noted that there is no half marathon event incorporated but it is hoped to have a team relay change over point at the half way mark.
Similar to last year there will be 5 relay legs which can be completed by teams of between 2 and 5 runners. Full details of official change over points will appear on the website shortly.
Entry Fee for teams is €80 up until 31st March.
Please ensure that your entry form is fully complete with the correct entry fee enclosed and cheques made payable to Cork City Council. If you are in the relay event you must put down the names of your other team members and ensure that the form is signed by the team captain.
If you are in training or considering taking part this year relay you should enter in some of the events been organised locally. There are many events listed on the Cork Bhaa website www.corkbhaa.com which will have events taking place right up to and including the marathon. This will give you an opportunity to meet and run alongside other local runners who can offer lots of advice and encouragement and even give you details of group training sessions which may be of interest to you.
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon Training Guide
Week 3 of the 12 week training plan (...intended for the 24th of March)
Week 3
Mon 30mins easy, Tue Rest, Wed 60mins easy, Thurs Rest, Fri 6x3mins fast Sat, Rest jog,
Sun 90mins easy.
Week 3
Mon 45mins easy, Tue Rest/jog, Wed 75mins steady, Thurs 8x2mins fast, Fri Rest,
Sat 60mins include 30mins fast, Sun 2hours very easy
Serious Runners
Week 3
Mon 45mins easy, Tues Hill 8x2m, Wed 75mins easy, Thurs 5x5mins fast, Fri Rest/jog,
Sat 45mins steady, Sun 2 hrs 15mins easy.
Team relay event
2007 saw the introduction of the team relay event. It was a bit of a shot into the unknown for race organisers but thankfully with a bit of research and planning this proved to be a very worth while rewarding experience for all concerned.
This year’s marathon will once again include the team relay event and as the name suggests is a marathon for everyone. It should be noted that there is no half marathon event incorporated but it is hoped to have a team relay change over point at the half way mark.
Similar to last year there will be 5 relay legs which can be completed by teams of between 2 and 5 runners. Full details of official change over points will appear on the website shortly.
Entry Fee for teams is €80 up until 31st March.
Please ensure that your entry form is fully complete with the correct entry fee enclosed and cheques made payable to Cork City Council. If you are in the relay event you must put down the names of your other team members and ensure that the form is signed by the team captain.
If you are in training or considering taking part this year relay you should enter in some of the events been organised locally. There are many events listed on the Cork Bhaa website www.corkbhaa.com which will have events taking place right up to and including the marathon. This will give you an opportunity to meet and run alongside other local runners who can offer lots of advice and encouragement and even give you details of group training sessions which may be of interest to you.
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon Training Guide
Week 3 of the 12 week training plan (...intended for the 24th of March)
Week 3
Mon 30mins easy, Tue Rest, Wed 60mins easy, Thurs Rest, Fri 6x3mins fast Sat, Rest jog,
Sun 90mins easy.
Week 3
Mon 45mins easy, Tue Rest/jog, Wed 75mins steady, Thurs 8x2mins fast, Fri Rest,
Sat 60mins include 30mins fast, Sun 2hours very easy
Serious Runners
Week 3
Mon 45mins easy, Tues Hill 8x2m, Wed 75mins easy, Thurs 5x5mins fast, Fri Rest/jog,
Sat 45mins steady, Sun 2 hrs 15mins easy.
Please note you should use a reasonable recovery time between your repetitions.
Regards........Mick Dooley, Cork BHAA 087-9790806 , Cork City Marathon
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