(Mick Dooley of the Cork Business Houses Athletic Association is writing a 12 part series of articles for the Evening Echo. He has very kindly sent them on to me so that I can put them up here on this blog. They are written with the beginner in mind. Part 2 is based on 11 weeks to go, about the 17th of March)
Week 2... Champion Sports Cork City Marathon.
The Marathon Event
Now that many of you have completed the Ballycotton 10, the main focus should now turn to the next main event of the Summer, the Champion Sports Cork City Marathon. If you are one of the lucky ones to have taken part in the 10 mile event, you are on the first step of your marathon training. If not, you should now experience a 10 mile run and continue to build it up slowly over the next 8 to 10 weeks. It is advisable not to increase your total weekly mileage by more10% per week. Your long runs each week should however be increased by 10%. It is important that you keep a diary and log your training efforts each day.
The Marathon Event
Now that many of you have completed the Ballycotton 10, the main focus should now turn to the next main event of the Summer, the Champion Sports Cork City Marathon. If you are one of the lucky ones to have taken part in the 10 mile event, you are on the first step of your marathon training. If not, you should now experience a 10 mile run and continue to build it up slowly over the next 8 to 10 weeks. It is advisable not to increase your total weekly mileage by more10% per week. Your long runs each week should however be increased by 10%. It is important that you keep a diary and log your training efforts each day.
If you are taking part in the marathon for the very first time, it is not advisable to set a finish time as a target. Your main objective for your first marathon should be to finish and enjoy the event as a whole. Regardless of your split times for your 10 mile or half marathon distance, you should not put the added pressure on yourself of setting a finish time. The main objective is to conquer the distance for the first time and then attempt personal bests in subsequent marathons.
Only 10% of all marathon runners break the 3 hour mark for the marathon, this is just below 7 minute miles which seems very achievable for many runners. However, the marathon must be treated with respect and a reasonable and achievable target should be set.
It should be noted that the trained athletes body is designed to run comfortably for 90 to 100 minutes after that time the body needs some specific and fine tune training to overcome and complete the marathon distance.
Much of this training should be long slow distance L.S.D. with the emphasis on the amount of time spent on your legs. This is why it is important we do long mileage. It is important that we also train ourselves to eat and drink while doing our long runs. This means eating small amounts on a regular basis and be able to take drink on board also. The best drink to take is water as that will be freely available in all marathons; it is unwise to take any new sports drinks on race day unless you have used them in training and like wise with fruit or food on race day. The burn up of carbohydrates will lead to a depletion of glycogen stores. A good source of food may be carbohydrate gel sachets washed down with water to avoid stomach cramps and ensure absorption.
Note: all free time must be availed of when training for the marathon, lunch breaks or before or after shift work are fine for a 30 minute run on an easy day.
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon Training Guide
Week 2 of the 12 week training plan (intended for the 17th of March)
Week 2
Mon 40mins easy, Tue Rest, Wed 50mins easy,Thurs rest, Fri 12x2mins fast, Sat Rest/jog, Sun 75mins easy
Week 2
Mon: 45mins easy, Tue: Rest, Wed: 60mins easy, Thurs: 12x1 min fast, Fri: Rest, Sat : 60mins include 30mins fast, Sun: 100mins easy
Serious Runners
Week 2
Mon 45mins easy, Tues Hills 12x1mins, Wed 60mins easy, Thurs 4x5mins fast, Fri rest, Sat : 45mins steady, Sun 2hours easy
Please note you should use a reasonable recovery time between your repetitions.
Regards........Mick Dooley, Cork BHAA 087-9790806 , Cork City Marathon
Week 2
Mon 40mins easy, Tue Rest, Wed 50mins easy,Thurs rest, Fri 12x2mins fast, Sat Rest/jog, Sun 75mins easy
Week 2
Mon: 45mins easy, Tue: Rest, Wed: 60mins easy, Thurs: 12x1 min fast, Fri: Rest, Sat : 60mins include 30mins fast, Sun: 100mins easy
Serious Runners
Week 2
Mon 45mins easy, Tues Hills 12x1mins, Wed 60mins easy, Thurs 4x5mins fast, Fri rest, Sat : 45mins steady, Sun 2hours easy
Please note you should use a reasonable recovery time between your repetitions.
Regards........Mick Dooley, Cork BHAA 087-9790806 , Cork City Marathon
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