Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest post: Mental Toughness Pat Walsh

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Guest post: Mental Toughness Pat Walsh

* Mental Toughness *

As many are tapering for Dublin or facing some other challenge this Autumn is it time to ask yourself about your mental toughness.

‘ A personality trait which determines in large part how people deal with challenge, stressors and pressure .... irrespective of prevailing circumstances ‘

The work is done, the physical preparation complete, you have done all you can.  What lies ahead depends on you and your mental state.

* Calmness 

Expect the unexpected but don’t let it phase you. 

The weather, fellow runners, water stops are beyond your control but how you react is key. Cool, calm, collected, I can do this no matter what. Bring wet gear, dry gear, cold gear…. actually bring everything. That way you are ready no matter what the day throws at you. 

‘Anxiety is a state of worry, apprehension or tension that often occurs in the absence of real or obvious danger.’

* Positivity

You are a winner, you are fantastic. Don’t let anyone or anything upset you. Think positive thoughts. Negative ones only raise the Heart Rate, burn energy and put you in a bad place. Avoid negative people or just don’t listen.

‘Accept the fact that your thoughts control your feelings and, ultimately, your performance’

* Resolve

No point codding yourself, the last few miles of a marathon or long run are sh**e. Simple as that. 

What will get you through is your own resolve and toughness. I will finish. I know it will hurt. I’m strong.

But I can bask in the glory for months afterwards knowing I defeated my head and any negative thoughts within. I am strong and I will prove it.

Just a few points to think about. It is all about being the best you and the head and thoughts are a huge part of this. 

Be ready for anything and accept the outcome afterwards. 

You cannot change your physical preparation in the last 14 days but you can most certainly change the outcome by getting your mental resolve sorted.

If you are only doing a short runs and races most of this still actually applies to you. Every day is a school day.

#PWR #youcandothis* Mental Toughness *

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