Now that the 2,500 entry limit has been reached for next year's Ballycotton '10', it might be interesting to find out how well did the SAE option work. Did most people who opted for the SAE option get their form back on Monday?.......or was it Tuesday in which case they could just as easily have downloaded the form on Monday evening.
So, if you chose the SAE option and you are living in Ireland then you might take the time to click the relevant answer in the poll on the right.
If you are living outside Ireland then you might refrain from voting because it's likely that you were late in getting the SAE back anyway.
What do you think of the SAE option? Did it work for you this year? Leave a comment by clicking on the 'Comment' link below.
Update.......someone suggested that I might ask another question.......how did you get your entry form? Via the SAE route? In a local shop?.........or did you download it off the Ballycotton website and print it out? Select the relevant option in the 2nd poll on the right.
Our post does not come until 2pm, and it leaves at 3.30pm, so I was dismayes when the SAE didnt arrive on Monday so I instead went online and downloaded the form as I didnt want to take any chance of missing my entry. I wont use the SAE option next year. By the time it arrives Tuesday I would hope my entry was in Ballycotton.
Love the blog John, Thanks for keeping me in the loop all the time.
I opted for the SAE.I was told it would arrive on Monday which it didn't so I had to go to John Buckleys sports shop and collect one on Monday at 1600 otherwise I felt I would miss the "cut", I managed to post it on Monday evening so hopefully I'm in. They shouldn't commit if they can't deliver !!! Why couldn't they post the forms out on Thursday / Friday ? Great work on the Blog John. Well done. Take care.
The Ballycotton forms were not available in my local sports shop on the Monday even though the web-site said they would be and the shop staff were expecting them. They never received them so I had to wait until Tuesday morning to download it.
I've always used the SAE method and always been successful. That being said, It didn't arrive until the Tuesday this year (in common with most people, it seems)and I couldn't post until the Wednesday. So, it's going to be pretty close.
I would suspect (although I've got nothing to back this up) that the organisers say they are full quite early because they know more will arrive on the Wed and Thurs. It then cuts out some of the extra entries they recieve and all the hassle involved in returning them.
I think I've been using the SAE system out of habit. I'll probably move to download next year. Kind of takes some of the excitement out of it though!!
Also, it may be unfair on those who cannot access internet facilities. Perhaps a delay on the form appearing online is required?
can someone answer this for me ?
i ran two of the ballycotton 5 series this year, due to unforseen circumstances i was unable to compete in all 4 ...
now why are people who ran 4 getting in ?
on the issue of s.a.e. , they should not commit if they cant deliver- not to gone on their website either by the way- organisers seem to think that everyone is a bit slow on the uptake........ for god's sake its a ten mile race not a marathon event,look at how the other ten mile events are organised ... excellent and no arrogance....
This just shows one of the advantages of being a member of a club.Club members still have a week to enter and are not dependent on making the first cut.I did not post my entry yet and I will still get in.
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