Word has it that the poor old postman in Ballycotton had a busy day squeezing the 500 or so first entries in through the letterbox. If he thought Tuesday was bad, wait until he sees what's waiting for him in the depot on Wednesday morning!!
When will the 2,500 limit be reached? Without a doubt, the bulk of all Ballycotton entries will arrive on Wednesday the 2nd. By the end of the day, the 2,500 limit might well be reached but I'm guessing that will happen on Thursday.........we'll see.
In the meantime, if you have failed to post your entry in yet then I suppose you could try posting it on Wednesday but the chances of you getting in at this stage are starting to get slim.
How and when do you know if you are in?
Donal: Postman Pat has been busy...
Ballycotton posted a message at Thu, 03 Dec 2009 07:57:08 GMT
The 2,500 entry limit for next year's Ballycotton "10" has now been reached.
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