This is the last race of the year in the Cork BHAA calendar. This race is in aid of charity and there are none of the usual prize categories. When you enter, you must guess what your finishing time will be. The person who finishes closest to their estimated time wins. Needless to say, you cannot wear a watch.
Entries are taken at the Rowing Club clubhouse (shown as an X in the map above) which is right next to the 'Pairc Ui Chaoimh' GAA stadium.
The race takes part mostly along the old railway line footpath. You start on the Marina and after a short run, you cross onto the walkway. Just a word of caution here...the walkway can be busy with walkers, cyclists, kids, dogs, etc. Just remember that the runners don't have an exclusive right of way!
The race carries on out almost in a dead straight line along the path with a very gentle incline. At the end of the straight section, about the 1.8 mile mark, you go left and underneath the pedestrian footbridge. There is a short climb here up to the junction by the Mahon Point shopping centre. A sharp left here (by the Webprint building) and then downhill to the major road junction outside the entrance to Mahon Point and B&Q accross the road. You need to be very careful at this juction. There were no stewards at this junction last year and there were plenty of cars crossing this junction in every direction...just keep your wits about you here!
Then there is a slow uphill section until you reach the junction by the CSO office. Left here, left again just at the Texaco garage, run back down on to the walkway, sharp left then (almost stopping!) and then under the bridge and you run back towards the Marina on the walkway. The last mile is more or less flat with the finish close to Pairc Ui Chaoimh.
Guessing your time...
There are no real hills but there are enough drags to slow you down a bit. If you have done the last two BHAA 4 mile races then I would say that your time will be slower than the Marina 4 mile course in early November and faster than Inniscarra 4 mile course at the end of November.
...and finally...
I think the entry fee for this one is €10. They are also looking for any spare gloves and hats that you could donate. Prizes and refreshments are in the Rowing Club clubhouse.
If you want to check out the course in more detail, go to this link http://www.mapmyrun.com/run/ireland/cork/1194302466 and zoom in.
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