Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: The Recovery Pat Walsh

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Guest Post: The Recovery Pat Walsh

 **  The recovery **

After all the excitement of the European Athletic Championships we can look forward to the Olympics which are just around the corner. Hopefully our Irish athletes excel and also get some great performances across the other sports with high hopes in Rowing, Boxing and maybe a surprise in some of the others.

That is all fine for the elites of this world but poor little old me is trying to get back into action after a few weeks rest. It isn’t easy. I normally wouldn’t be this long without some decent exercise to keep the body going.

I’m fine and not looking for sympathy, just charting this episode that it may give hope to others who have been forced off the road for an extended period.

That times have got slower is not in question but I’m grateful to be moving again.

The body feels sluggish as if there is only 1 gear and picking up pace is not an option.

Who put concrete in my running shoes while they were idle?

Looking at Garmin for previous runs is only depressing as those times and distances are some bit away yet. Focus on 'the now', 'today', the past can never be recreated.

It is hard to join a group or enter a race in until I get to some acceptable level.

But we must plug away and keep trying. There isn’t any other option for me anyway.

Be kind to yourself and patient, every day is a day on the way back.

I’m optimistic by nature and feel lucky to have had very little serious injuries down through the years. 

When they told me rest up for a while I thought it was like a prison sentence. 

Consultants / Doctors of the world please note… I don’t rest …

I hope that anyone experiencing a comeback can relate to this.

Two points to note:

1. Injuries and illness may force us off the road for a period but don’t pack up for no reason as you will have the same issues restarting and it will be self-inflicted.

2. I could press the old age issue and how hard it is, but I have a little story to tell. One morning, very early, I decided to chance an easy 3 mile on the Greenway. Flat route, very quiet and no one to see me struggle. 

Just as I started I met the great Billy finishing his morning run. We exchanged pleasantries, as you would to fellow runners. Lovely morning, good to be out, etc etc…

He headed for home and I took off on my run. Billy is in his mid 80’s.

That put a stop to my moaning. Just get on with it.

We are past the Summer Solstice, but heading into hopefully a period of decent weather and some short races. Longer races can be a lottery as conditions are so hard to predict, so by all means enter any race you like but just be careful of expectations and mind yourself in extreme conditions.

Run to enjoy it. Appreciate the fact we can do it. A short slow run is better than no run. 

Have a lovely weekend 


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