Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: July 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday Jigsaw: Ballycotton 10-mile 2017


For this weeks online jigsaw, we go back to 2017 and the very last Ballycotton 10 mile road race.

You can find the 180-piece jigsaw HERE

Photo courtesy of Mick Dooley.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Results & Photos of the Ballyhoura Trail Ultra, Marthon & Half-Marathon - Sat 24th July 2021

Saturday 24th July 2021: In addition to the Ballyhoura Moonlight Marathon and Half-Marathon on the Friday evening, the annual Ballyhoura Trail Ultra, Marathon and Half-Marathon took place on the Saturday.

There was a total of 162 finishers across the three events... 36 in the 60km Ultra-Marathon, 48 in the 42km Marathon and 78 in the 21.1km Half-Marathon.

The photo above shows the start of the Ultra in the fog at 7am.

Top 3 men and women in the Ultra....

1 John McKeogh 655 M35 5:18:03 Limerick
2 Owen Fenton 522 M40 6:10:48 Wexford Marathon Club Wexford
3 Donatas Jocius 258 M35 6:14:40 Crusaders AC Dublin
8 Máiréad O' Keeffe 337 F45 6:44:14 Cork
12 Becky Quinn 552 F45 7:00:00
19 Emma Hand 1175 F45 7:19:34 Wicklow

Ultra Results

The runners not only had to contend with the distance but also the ascent as this photo shows with
the valley floor far below.

Top 3 men and women in the Marathon (Note that the first woman finished 3rd overall!)

1 Edward O connor 1205 M 3:21:01 Wicklow
2 Ian Conroy 240 M40 3:26:58 Raheny Shamock AC Dublin
4 Barry Minnock 1194 M45 3:28:23 Rathfarnham... Offaly
3 Isobel Oakes 165 F35 3:27:44 Leitrim 3rd
10 Sarah Brady 1062 F 4:01:43 Tipperary
13 Ali Wyllie 1326 F40 4:28:00 Cork

One factor that made it especially challenging this year was the heat.

Top 3 men and women in the Half-Marathon

1 Robert Frewen 752 M 1:41:00 Raheny Shamrock Dublin
2 Stephen Lynch 933 M35 1:54:00 Cork
3 Joe Laffan82 1547 M35 1:57:00 GoTri Adventure Limerick
7 Sophie Daly 902 F 2:01:00 Kerry
14 Katarzyna Bobka 1764 F35 2:08:00 An Bru AC Limerick
21 Elaine Collins 616 F 2:12:10 Cork

Photos & Video...
1) IMRA Munster have two galleries on Facebook ... Ultra Marathon ... Second Gallery

This is a really good video which makes a nice job of capturing the event...

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Guest Post: Interview with Cork Runner Aoife Cooke at the Tokyo Olympics... by Pat Walsh

Cork runner Aoife Cooke is representing Ireland in the marathon at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Pat Walsh caught up with Aoife for this interview...

 ** Tokyo Olympics ** 


As the Olympics have started and the excitement is building to see our Irish Olympians in action, I went behind the scenes to interview our very own  Aoife Cooke. 

The object of the exercise was to show that behind all the obvious talent of all our chosen participants, there is a normal decent person that deserves our utmost support.

So whether it is ‘pulling like a dog’ for the rowers, ‘gloves on’ for the boxers, ‘ready set go’ for the runners or any of the other Olympians that pull on the Green singlet, get behind them and shout them on.

The time and commitment to get to this level is unreal and they do themselves, their families, their Clubs and the Nation of ours proud. So whether they get a medal, make a final or go out in Round 1, they are still heroes that get a chance to put one word on their CV. ‘Olympian’


Thanks Aoife for this opportunity and best of luck on the 7th August when the Ladies Marathon will be held. You know all of Cork will be behind you and I will make sure we get the rest of the Country as well.


PWR: Who was your favourite sporting hero growing up?

AC: Sonia O Sullivan and Mary Sweeney (Aunt of Aoife and a pure legend of Cork Running added by pwr)


PWR: First medal ever won?

AC: I was 8th in the Munster cross country championships when I was 13. There were medals for the top 12. I had won some team medals before that but that was the first I won individually 


PWR: Except for the PWR Mug you got for running a sub 2.30 Marathon what was the weirdest, quirkiest prize you have won in Athletics?

AC: Probably the vouchers for the Army Surplus Store in Midleton. Those were the prizes for winning the Ballcotton 5 mile races. Turns out I was going on a hiking trip to Peru that September so I was able to get most of my gear there 🙂


PWR: Favourite other sport you would love to be good at?

AC: Probably some sort of dance. 


PWR: Free flight anywhere to go on a holiday what is your destination?

AC: Hawaii 


PWR: Favourite musical band / group / individual?

AC: The Cranberries 


PWR: Favourite Album?

AC: Stars: the best of the Cranberries 1992-2002


PWR: Free ticket to a Live, Full crowd, Open-Air concert... Who is the Headlining the Gig?

AC: Queen 


PWR: Party Piece when cornered to perform?

AC: I know all the words to Coolios Gangstas Paradise 😁 


PWR: You are not on a strict diet for the Olympics what is your Treat Dinner?

AC: Burger and chips from Son of a Bun when I’m at home!


PWR: Are you a good Cook in the kitchen as opposed to a VERY GOOD COOKE on the Roads?

AC: I'm a decent cook in the kitchen but I wouldn’t make it to the Olympics for it!


PWR: What is your favorite movie about sports?

AC: Million Dollar Baby 


PWR: Pick? - Magnum or Cornetto

AC: Magnum 


PWR: What do you do to calm your butterflies before / while you compete?

AC: Breathing exercises. Listen to my running playlist 


PWR: Any superstitions or things you must do before you compete?

AC: Get a haircut! 


PWR: Would you beat me in a race if you were running and I was cycling?

(please be kind)

AC: I think it would be close, but I know you’ve been training a lot on the bike so you would probably win 😅


PWR: Favourite TV Comedy?

AC: Probably Schitts Creek


PWR: Are you an early or late person? What would your friends say?

AC: I'm an early person. My friends would say the same


PWR: If Disney turned you into a Superhero who would you be?

AC: Elsa from Frozen, or Elphaba from Wicked (their names are even similar to mine!)


PWR: When I write the story of this Olympics and Christopher Nolan makes a movie of it, who is playing your role?

AC: Charlize Theron


PWR: A motto to live by?

AC: ‘Life is only worth a damn because it’s short. It’s designed to be consumed, used, spent, lived, felt. We’re supposed to fill it with every mistake and miracle we can manage, and then we’re supposed to let go’


Now we know some more of the real person and I dare say there are many more like her on the team.

Feel free to give a shout out to anyone from your locality that is competing in any of the events and we will put the full weight of our love and support behind them.

Special shout out to Brendan Boyce (Athlete) in the 50K Walk. Although a Donegal native he resides in this area and we have often seen him in training. He walks faster than we run...!!

"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment"🎤🎼

#pwr #daretodream #Tokyo2020 ☘☘ Aoife Cooke Fitness

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Results of the Ballyhoura Moonlight Marathon & Half-Marathon - Fri 23rd July 2021

One of the more unusual events to be held last weekend was the IMRA Ballyhoura Moonlight Marathon and Half-Marathon on Friday the 23rd of July 2021.

The Marathon started at 9pm in Kilfinane in Co. Limerick and had 49 finishers.

Top 3 men & women...
1 Derek Kiely 1157 M40 3:52:56 GoTri Adventure Limerick
2 Michael Costello 1260 M 4:04:35 Tipperary
3 Nick Hogan 1770 M40 4:20:05 Cork
19 Sheila Clavin 1240 F40 5:11:35 134% West Limerick AC Limerick
25 Caroline Reid 127 F45 5:37:50 145% Tara AC Meath
32 Anna Field 910 F 5:43:11 147% Crosshaven Tri Club Cork

The Half-Marathon started at 10pm from the same location and had 132 finishers.

Top 3 men & women...
1 Tom Blackburn 413 M55 1:50:43 Mooreabbey Milers Limerick
2 Liam Lynch 1531 M40 1:56:46 Limerick
3 Donal Collins 927 M45 1:57:36 Bweeng Trailblazers Cork
24 Laura Morrissey 887 F35 2:14:24 Cork
51 Orla Mcdonald 27 F 2:31:42 Templemore AC Tipperary
52 Christine Bergin 25 F45 2:31:48 Tipperary


Results of the Fermoy 4-mile - Sun 25th July 2021

This race with a limited field took place in Fermoy on the 25th of July.

 4 Mile
1 Ryan Creech Leevale A.C. M 19:00 
2 Ger Forde Kilkenny City Harriers A.C. M 19:30 
3 Tim O Donoghue East Cork A.C. M 19:30 
23 Elizabeth Lee Leevale A.C. F40 0:21:24 0:21:26  
34 Jessica Coyne Leevale A.C. F 0:22:30 0:22:31  
46 Niamh Moore Leevale A.C. F 0:23:36 0:23:38

Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Jigsaw: Olympic Silver medalist John Treacy

This weeks online jigsaw is of 1984 Olympic Silver medalist John Treacy with race winner Mick Clohisey at the 2020 Dungarvan 10-mile road race. (Photo courtesy of Mick Dooley)

You can find the 266-piece jigsaw HERE

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Notice: Training Programmes for Autumn 2021

I now have a few places available for training programmes for the Autumn of 2021.

Whether you're a beginner, someone who just wants to get fitter or someone who wants to improve their race time from the 5k to the marathon, a plan can be tailored for you.

More info here...

Monday, July 19, 2021

Guest Post: 'We used to be giants' Pat Walsh

"We used to be giants"

When did we stop?
Just say the word and I'll be yours
You know I never forgot” -Dermot Kennedy

I know I haven’t been posting much recently and thanks to those who enquired about my well-being.
I’m ok but have had a few setbacks with injuries this year. Normally I just write about what I’m doing and the general mood, ambitions and aspirations of those around me.  As I have limited running these days, then sadly some of that inspiration is lacking.
I don’t want to post negative stuff, as I do like to inspire, help and encourage people. Better to say nothing at times, there is enough negativity elsewhere.

It is said that to lift people you must be strong and have some reserves that you can pass on to others. At the moment I am doing well to keep myself going. This is not a moan or a groan or an attempt for pity. 
I am healthy and well in general and my family are good.  I have enough to eat and a roof over my head. I have friends to share with.
I have rekindled my love of the bike. Thanks MissC

I got my few running miles this morning in the heat and happy to be out there. Thanks to my buddies for the company, chats and coffee. Lovely people to share the road with. It helped me to rediscover my mojo and get back on the main task of annoying you all.

So what is this post about?
It is to tell you that we all have down times, we all have a bad spell and we are human. If you think it is good all the time you are living in a fantasy world. 
We are over 500 days into this pandemic and there are a still a few twists and turns in the road, so keep the spirits up but accept it can’t be great all the time. 

Do the best you can and help those around you.
Reach out to others that may need help.
This will get better again and we can resume our lives in some fashion.
Nature is beautiful if we open our eyes to appreciate it.
Keep going through the hard times and it will come good again.
Smile as often as you can.

Oh ya…. And keep on running

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.” ― Emily Dickinson


Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Jigsaw: Coachford 5-mile 2016

For this weeks online jigsaw, we go back to the finish line of the 2016 Coachford 5-mile road race and the first three women across the line.

This one has 300 pieces so it's a bit harder than usual.

Click HERE

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Guest Post: Dublin City Marathon 2021 Pat Walsh

** DCM21 **

Race cancelled for this year

Thought it might go ahead in some elite form but maybe the uncertainty is too great.

Plans will have to be made to entertain ourselves for the Year 🏃🥰

Forget virtual, I need actual.....!!


**** updated when I read this in the Irish Times ****

makes you wonder 🤭🤔

"The Boston Marathon, typically held in April and with over 30,000 runners from all over the world, announced plans for a limited 20,000-entry race on October 11th, as has New York (November 7th), Chicago (October 10th), Berlin (September 26th) and Tokyo (October 17th) The London Marathon, also traditionally held in April, is now set for October 3rd, the organisers there opening up 50,000 entries, most of which were decided by lottery, an increase of more than 7,000 on the previous finisher record."

RTE News link HERE

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Kerry 1-mile race series: July 2021

Gneeveguilla AC are holding a series of low key 1-mile road races in Co. Kerry during the month of July 2021.

The venues are... July 7th Cullen ; July 14th Barradubh; July 21st Glenlara; July 28th Gneeveguilla 

Every Wednesday race is at 8.00 pm registration from 7.00 pm. The entry fee is €2.50

Notice: Youghal AC Virtual 5-mile race series - May, June, July & August 2021

Youghal AC are holding a virtual 5-mile race series this year on the third Thursday of May, June, July and August. This is similar to the old Ballycotton Summer Series which followed the same pattern.

From Youghal AC... ' Youghal AC are pleased to bring back the old 5 Mile Race Series popular among all runners in East Cork and beyond, starting on May 20 and then the 3rd Thursday of each month finishing on 19 August. All runners will receive a T shirt with all the race dates listed, cost for 4 races and T Shirt is €20.00

For any runner who only wants to run one or two of the races this can be arranged also at a cost of €5 per race with option to buy T-shirt.

Runners will be able to run their 5 miles each month between the Thursday and Sunday all results will have to be posted to by Sunday evening.

T-shirts will be posted out in batches by date registered the week before each race date. Register early to have your t-shirt for in time for all 4 races.'

Entries HERE

Monday, July 12, 2021

Guest Post: In the Year 2021... by Pat Walsh

** In the Year 2021 **

“Bless me father for I have sinned, I didn’t post on a Friday Morning” 😇😇

but  but but in my defence I had a valid reason. 

Breaking a long-standing habit I got my long run completed early today. Thanks to my Companions AG, RC, and CMc for the chats and encouragement. The miles flew by. 

We did some group speed training last Wednesday Night and another normality has returned to my weekly routine.

The new spuds were dug as well this week and they are “balls of flour”.

I’m on a roll 🥰🤓

First half of this year wasn’t great but maybe the 2nd half can be better. 6 months gone, they are behind us and all we can do is focus on what is ahead of us.

The Delta variant is casting a cloud on predictions but we have more options opening to us and glad to see a few races coming into the calendar.

After my run today, delighted to see an email that Charleville Half will go ahead late September. Now I have a goal.. YES

If for some reason it is derailed then so be it, but I can focus on this for the next few months.


We have had a tough 16 months folks and it has taken its toll on all of us in different ways.

I regret I never learned to bake or play a musical instrument but I don’t regret that I have kept a decent level of fitness and can now drive on again.

I am no younger and must and make allowances for age and injuries but I can look forward to a starting line again and participating in some way or other. 🙌👏

Well done to all who have maintained fitness but don’t despair if you slipped. Just start tomorrow. Don’t put it off another day. 

Whatever regrets you may have they will multiply when you see your friends racing with race times and pics appearing. 

Have a good week. Get those running shoes on and get out that door.


Any suggestions about posts feel free to message me. You have had enough of my old “drive on” posts so anything practical I can contribute then please suggest.

#pwr #KeeponRunning

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Cork runners to the fore at Dundrum 10k - 7th July 2021

As the restrictions are gradually beginning to ease, some road races with limited numbers are beginning to start up again. The Dundrum 10k in Tipperary is one of the best 10k races in the country with a really flat and fast course.

This year, it was held on the 7th of July and due to the limit on numbers, it sold out very quickly. Three Cork runners finished in the top 5 in the women's section with Lizzie Lee finishing 1st, Claire McCarthy 2nd and Niamh Moore 4th.

There were a total of 146 finishers.

Place Athletes name Club Location Gun Time Category Bib
1 Sergiu Ciobanu Clonliffe Harriers AC     30:19 SM 19
2 Evan Fitzgerald Clonmel AC     30:33 SM 39
3 Niall Shanahan An Bru AC     30:39 SM 169
4 Mick Clohisey Raheny Shamrocks AC     30:47 SM 20
5 Colin Maher Ballyfin AC     31:15 SM 83
15 Lizzie Lee Leevale AC     33:45 SF 77
24 Claire McCarthy Leevale AC     35:37 SF 87
25 Ciara O Neill Clonmel AC     35:44 SF 138
29 Niamh Moore Leevale AC     36:22 SF 104
37 Dymphna Ryan Dundrum AC     37:19 SF 156

The full results can be found HERE

1) Susan Parker Laste has a gallery HERE
2) John Kenrick has a gallery HERE

Friday, July 09, 2021

Friday Jigsaw: Wibblies at the 2017 Glenville 4 mile

For this weeks online jigsaw, we go back to the start line of the Glenville 4 mile in 2017 and a photo of Wibbly Wobbly Wonders taken by Mick Dooley.

You can complete the 154-piece jigsaw HERE

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

2021 Dublin Marathon Cancelled...

As you can see from the image above, the organisers of the Dublin Marathon which was due to be held at the end of October 2021 have cancelled it.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Notice: Cork Sports Partnership: Sports Psychology Webinar - 4th August 2021

Cork Sports Partnership: Sports Psychology Webinar - 4th August 2021

Cork Sports Partnership are holding this online webinar on Wednesday the 4th of August 2021

"Right now we are slowly returning to normality with more events/competitions appearing on the calendar. All athletes are now trying to stay prepared physically. But what about the mental aspect of sport? This webinar will help all athletes & coaches with everything Sports Psychology related in these uncertain times."

Webinar Details
Title: Sports Psychology Webinar
Speaker: Dr Kate O' Keeffe
Date: Wednesday August 4th 
Time: 7pm
Duration: 1 hour
Email: Craig Harrington - charrington AT corksports DOT ie


Friday, July 02, 2021

Friday Jigsaw: Start of the Courtbrack 5k


For this weeks online jigsaw, we go back to the start of the Courtbrack 5k in 2017.

You can find the 192-piece jigsaw HERE

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Guest Post: Trivia - Ballycotton-10 June 2001 Pat Walsh

** Trivia ** - Ballycotton 10, 24th June 2001

20 Years ago last weekend. I'm getting old 😃 

Foot and Mouth disease struck the country early in the year and the race was postponed for a few months.
Always run in March and penciled in for 11th that year.  It was unusual and very hot to run it in June.

763 finishers on the day and I do remember the medics were very busy as we were not used to distance runs in the heat.

The mugs were made in advance but the t-shirts were amended to reflect the new date. Unique to have this collection.

I do remember thinking that nothing like this will ever happen again to disrupt the whole country.

I am a very wise person. 🤩🥳