Before we look at the preview of this race, it might be worth looking back at some of the numbers attending this race over the years and how dramatic the recent increase in numbers attending races has been.
EMC 5k race........
2004 = 208
2005 = 183
2006 = 213
2007 = 261
2008 = 355
2009 = ???
It seems probable that this year's race will attract in excess of 400 runners, about twice the numbers 3 to 4 years ago. While the increased numbers are welcome, they also create a lot of problems. Twice the numbers mean that the whole entry procedure is slower, the start area is crowded, road safety is more of an issue, twice the number of finishers to be checked and recorded, longer race results and so on.
In another recent post, someone left a comment asking what could they do to help out?
Here are some suggestions....
1) Try to get to the races early. Enter early so that there isn't a delay in getting the race started. Remember that there may be daylight or traffic issues to contend with so the organisers will usually want to start the race on time.
2) If you aren't running in the race, consider offering your services. You can help out as a race steward, with the entries, at the finish line and so on.
On to the review...
The sign on for this race is at the Eire Og GAA grounds in Killumney, Ovens.

Entries...As per normal at BHAA races, there will be 2 queues, one for registered (€5) and one for non-registered runners (€7). Note that the start line is about a mile from the GAA grounds so you need to enter early and give yourself plenty of time. The start of the race is 8pm.
Course...The course is basically a one and a half lap loop. The start is 1 mile from the GAA grounds so you can use this as part of your warm up. Just follow everyone else and head for the start which is on the N22 Cork to Macroom road. Ok, it's not the nicest of starts with the heavy traffic but as soon as the race starts, you are back on to quiet roads again after a few hundred metres. When you do the 2nd loop, you will be using the hard shoulder which is fine as the crowd will have thinned out by then.
2 points to note......
1) The only hill / drag is near the road junction, just before the 1 and 3 mile mark. This is shown on the map as the point on the bottom left corner (South-West)
2) When you re-join the N22 near the pub (top right corner), the hard shoulder is very narrow here for about 100-200 metres and you need to be careful.
For a closer look at the course, check out the map at http://www.mapmyrun.com/run/ireland/cork/559313385
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