Just in case you need reminding!! For anyone who is 1) Not a member of a Running Club, 2) Did not do one of the Ballycotton Summer Series 5 mile road races or 3) Is not a foreign entrant........You really need to post your entry asap!!! Don't delay....don't wait...do it now.
Someone left a comment saying that they did not get their entry form after sending off a SAE in November. Anyone else have the same problem???
As a quick experiment, I have put up a poll on the right that will last for 1 week. Just click on the day that you got your SAE back in the post...Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (If you still don't have it, you might wait until tomorrows post before voting).
Regardless of whether it got lost or not, go to the Ballycotton website and print out the form.
Some of the links on the Ballycotton website were broken earlier but are ok now. Read the entry conditions.
It won't be long before the 2,500 limit is reached.
Someone told me headphones are banned in this race also.Isthis true ?
Maria....I would say that almost certainly they will ban them again. Here is what the organisers had in the entry booklet last year......."For safety and insurance reasons, this year we are BANNING all iPods, Personal Stereos, etc from people taking part".
John D.
Aggh the headphone topic again!!!
Of all races, ballycotton has to be one where the headphone ban needs to be enforced. The first 3 miles are all about weaving in and out of people. If you wear headphones you will not hear people behind you.
Simple as that , so dont wear them
Anyway, part of the whole thing of Ballycotton is the buzz and the chats with fellow runner, and hearing the support from the crowds.
I agree with Rich. The ban should be strictly enforced and those found wearing them should be disqualified with their names not appearing in the results and they should not get a mug either.
It really is up to the rest of us to report people wearing headphones remember its for our own safety also.
Great site John well done, keep up the good work.
Patrick M.
It should be relatively easy to police as well. You ahve to enter startint corall from the back down the narrow hill. A steward or two just checking and reminding people would do. If anyone is spotted on the course with headphones they should then be disqualified. There will be loads of photos available, so there is no denying the facts.
On another topic, I cannot undestand someone going online and complaining that they haven't received the form, and waiting for the postman to arriv eth next day. If you need to be in the first 2500, then download the form and get it posted. Don't wait. As the previous sponsor used to say... JUST DO IT.
(although I do see the "Swoosh" on the appliation form, so there must be some connection)
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