Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: BBC piece about the 'ultramarathon business'

Thursday, March 13, 2025

BBC piece about the 'ultramarathon business'

The Business Daily radio programme on the BBC World Service recently carried a piece titled 'The ultramarathon business - How extreme running events became a big money-spinner.'.

In the last decade or so, doing long distance events that are well beyond the usual marathon distance of 26.2 miles / 42.2 kms have become hugely popular as runners seek new challenges.

You can find the 17-minute programme here...

I think anyone with an interest in ultra running will find it of interest.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Not just ultras, a lot of running races in Cork/Ireland have become ridiculously expensive for what's on offer. Best value around Cork are Parkrun -Free (Don't forget to volunteer every now and then), Bhaa - 5/10 euro and here too) - 7 euro for a lot of their races. Cloyne 4k series - 5 euro. Running road races and club membership is beginning to be an exclusive pastime now, this shouldn't be the case and clubs have a responsibility here to maintain inclusivity which they are not doing by having increased membership fees, foreign running trips...