The website for this event has now been updated with plenty of info and links for anyone thinking of doing this event. As well as showing the planned route, they also have all of the results of the Cork City Marathon from 1982 to 1986.
Route - It starts on Patrick's street, heads up into Blackpool near the church there and then returns back to the city and then heads out the Lower road and down to the Dunkettle roundabout. Then through Jack Lynch tunnel, up by Mahon Point shopping centre, down around Mahon and on to the Marina. Out onto the link road and then left and up the slip road for Turners Cross. Left and down the hill into Turners Cross, left there and out as far as the juction road by Woodies. Then right out the Tramore road. Right into Ballyphehane, past the Lough, left down Glasheen Road, past St.Finbarr's cemetry, right just before the Wilton roundabout and come out by the Credit Union. Then down to Dennehy's Cross and left onto the Model Farm road. This goes all the way out to the Ballincollig roundabout, right here and back in the Straight Road. Then along the Quays and finish on Patricks Street.
The link to the Cork City Marathon website is http://www.corkcitymarathon.ie/