Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: 1100 bottles of water stolen at marathon event in Kildare

Saturday, June 22, 2024

1100 bottles of water stolen at marathon event in Kildare

The Thoroughbred Marathon is a multi-race event held in Kildare every year and this year, it had about 1200 participants spread across the full marathon, half-marathon, 10k and 5k events.

After the event finished this year, the organisers took to social media to explain that approximately 1100 bottles of water had been stolen!

They write... "Unfortunately we have become aware that there were water shortages on the route on Sunday. We realised early on Sunday morning that 37 cases of water had been stolen from the course. This was 37 cases of 30 bottles per case, (1100 bottles). We replaced this water by buying all available stock in local shops  but unfortunately other water stations had the stock partially stolen and we were not aware of this until water stations ran low.

We sincerely apologise to all of you and in particular to those of you that did not get water when and where needed on the day. 

It is a learning experience for us to say the least!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More than likely related to the bottle return deposit. There were lots of people going around with rubbish bags collecting the discarded bottles during the marathon(non volunteers), so road races are already seen to be a source of bottles. Will this see races go back to the previously seen water cartons again?