Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: September Pat Walsh

Saturday, September 02, 2023

Guest Post: September Pat Walsh

 ** September **

New chance to start again. Summer is officially over, even if it never actually arrived this year. 

With a new season maybe it is time for a new start and a new approach.

Many will be in increasing mileage heading for an Autumn Marathon and best of luck to all. Keep it steady and enjoy the weather. I think it is one of the nicest months of the year to train as neither hot nor cold. There is still enough light for early morning or evening runs. Not this year for me, but I love to hear from those that are planning one. 

I will post some tips and advice in the coming weeks. 

Some of my fondest memories of Marathon training are the 18 and 20 milers early on a Saturday Morning in September.

On an apple-ripe September morning
Through the mist-chill fields I went
With a pitch-fork on my shoulder
Less for use than for devilment.
’ Kavanagh.

For those without a clear goal or plan, just get out there and enjoy the month before the days shorten and get colder. 4 – 5 weeks now of consistent training ( 2-3 sessions a week ) and you will be ready to tackle a 10 mile or a half in the last few months of the year. 

Mix up the runs, short / long, fast / slow. 

Try an odd tempo run and maybe, if you can find a buddy some interval training. We resumed intervals this week and it was fun, good to back, nice to shake up the legs a bit.

If you run the entire time at same pace, then that will become your pace and hard to change. Think of a bike with one gear. Don’t be afraid to run at different speeds to develop the gears.

Loads of races next 3 months around the place. Pick one, go for it and finish 2023 in style. 

Big one this time of year is the changing season and how it affects nature. The countryside is at its finest with colour and life.  So run long enough to improve your fitness but not too hard that you cannot appreciate the beauty of it all. Note where the good blackberry bushes are, and return some other day to gather. YUM.

Purpose of the article is to encourage and not in any way be hard on anyone. If you have slipped off training then choose today as your start point again. Autumn can be a great season, you can be great again. Your decision.

#pwr #keeponrunning