Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: Spring Pat Walsh

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Guest Post: Spring Pat Walsh

 * Spring *

In Celtic mythology the 1st of February was Imbolc, a festival to celebrate life and new beginnings and marking the arrival of spring. We associate this now with St Brigid who was a Celtic goddess of healing, poetry and blacksmithing. 2 of out of 3 isn’t too bad for me. Note to self: get out the hammer and anvil.

“When one flower blooms, spring awakens everywhere.” – John O’Donohue

Last week felt like Spring for me anyway. 

A new parkrun in Midleton last Saturday which drew a massive crowd of smiley heads. 

There was a run for the ages with the winners and a huge crowd on Sunday in Dungarvan at the John Treacy 10mile. Super top class finishing times mixed with 2840 people of all abilities going over the finish line.

Running is strong in Ireland and we should be so grateful to have this sport / recreational amenity available to us. It is there to get out of it whatever you want from it and what you are willing to work for.

The weather has been great, after our recents storms it was beautiful. Bright now until 6pm (I sound like my Dad, RIP, saying that). I thought only older people had a fixation on this but then I looked at my birth cert and the truth dawned on me.

I’m still a bit crocked but trying to be positive. I’m on the mend and it only needs time and patience. I can volunteer to help and I’m free to spectate at events. This can bring its own joy and sense of fun where you can go home from something that you were part of. You still can do hugs and chats and banter with the added bonus of going for a mid-run coffee while all the merry gallopers are out the country somewhere bursting a gut.

The Bike is having a great time as my go-to fresh air exercise. It is quite photogenic and was loving that I cleaned it up for the cycles and the pictures. Feel free to contact if you want company on the new Greenway.

I can swim but I find the pool monotonous after a few lengths and please don’t be mentioning open water swimming. I have suffered enough.

SO spring off the couch and spring into action. A good week and year awaits you. Feel free to comment about your week and how wonderful you are. Don’t let the weeks slip pass now. The multitude of races will be coming soon and you want to be able for them.  Above all, live life and enjoy it, don’t waste it or miss the opportunity to better yourself. Loads of help and support out there.

Midleton Greenway parkrun

If you are living locally to Midleton and would like to volunteer at this weeks parkrun or any other week in the future please contact the link below. No experience required, just a willingness to help. These runs cannot survive without a steady supply of volunteers. Link below to volunteer.

Have a lovely weekend and #keeponrunning


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