Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: January Pat Walsh

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Guest Post: January Pat Walsh

 ** January **

January the month of many excuses not to run.
Too cold
Too wet
Too windy
Too dark
Too tired
Too lazy
The dog ate my running shoes.
Shur theres only a mile left on my 1000 mile socks !!! (Thanks Nollaig)

Remember Summer racing bodies are honed in this month. Think of it as:
Character building.
Getting the miles for stamina in regardless of pace.
Defeating the elements, who knows what the weather will be like for a race anyway.
Clearing the body from the excesses of Christmas.
An excuse to get out of the house.
You won’t overheat that is certain.
Boost your mood and immune system.
You need a shower anyway so just do a few miles beforehand.
Show off your collection of warm Beanie Hats and Luminous Jackets.
Coffee never tasted better than after a long run in the cold.

Think of the mental strength benefits that are to be gained by defeating the weather rather than it beating you. That mental strength training can be tapped into later in the Year.

Now get out and run.....
It’s only cold if you are standing still. 

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” Steinbeck

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