Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Guest Post: The Hamster Wheel Pat Walsh

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Guest Post: The Hamster Wheel Pat Walsh

 ** The Hamster Wheel **

I don’t know if this post is about running or about life in general. 2 years ago our world took an unexpected turn and life changed overnight. We were limited in our range of movement and who we could meet with. It was an instant change with no preparation. 

Now, as we have come slowly out the other side and face into the prospect of a Normal Year ahead, what do you want for yourself?

Many have jumped back on board the Hamster Wheel and spinning it faster than ever, trying to get more done than ever before. Remember some of the good things of the crisis, where we had time for ourselves, time to think, time to evaluate what was important in our lives. 

Now all I hear from some is,
I have no time to meet friends.
I have no time to train.
I have no time for myself and do the things I want to do.
I’m always tired.
I can’t meet for a cuppa.
How did this happen so fast? Was nothing learned? Are we crazy?

We have spoken about falling numbers running and at races, but if people don’t get time to train and prepare then it is only natural that they will not race. There are a multitude of other factors in play. Expense, lack of confidence, lack of the ‘Old Social cuppa’ at a race, some lingering fear of crowds and crowded spaces. 

All very natural and each will take time to sort.

But I suppose the main point of my post is for you to question yourself about whether you are getting some time per week for yourself and what you want to do, or has life overtaken you and consumed your passion for running?

If running is your scene give yourself the opportunity to participate. If you were lost to running and no longer enjoy it, then find what you want to do and what makes you happy. 

You have a New Year approaching, what do you want from it and will you give yourself a chance to get it.

Make the Hamster Wheel turn at YOUR pace and stepping off from it from time to time to enjoy and live your life.  

Folks we get one shot at this. 


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