(Mick Dooley of the Cork Business Houses Athletic Association is writing a 12 part series of articles for the Evening Echo. He has very kindly sent them on to me so that I can put them up here on this blog. They are written with the beginner in mind. Part 5 is based on 8 weeks to go, about the 7th of April)
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon - Be Safe While Running
It is getting more and more difficult to get safe and attractive running routes. Most areas are now built up with houses or there is a vast amount of cars or traffic on the road.
As recreational runners, we should respect other road users. If running on the roads in the early morning or evening time, you should wear reflective clothing and wear bright clothing even during the day. Select a route that is safe and not too busy with traffic. It is a good idea to use a looped route with a big loop and a smaller loop which will give you an opportunity to leave some food or drinks at a particular point along the way.
It is important when you are going on long runs, whether you are going from home or your work place that you tell your family or work colleagues what route you are taking and the time you expect to return. This may not be as important if you are part of a running group or an organised run. Try and use a recognised running routes, where possible.
Please do not attempt to run the marathon course, or any part of it, other than on race day. It is not safe to do so, it is only safe to run the marathon route on race day when it is fully stewarded and marshalled by race officials.
During the Run
Always stay alert. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are. Think about possible escape routes in case of a confrontation. Take notice of who is ahead of you and who is behind you. Know where the nearest public sites are with some general activity - there is usually safety in numbers. If something seems suspicious, do not panic, but run in a different direction. Run clear of parked cars, bushes, dark areas. Run against traffic so that you can observe the approach of on coming cars and trucks. If the same car cruises past you more than once, take note of even a partial registration number and make it obvious that you are aware of its presence (but keep your distance).
Once again it is advisable to link up with a running partner or running group. Many running groups meet up at their local sports centre or club. There are two running tracks in Cork at UCC Sports centre in the Mardyke and at CIT track in Bishopstown these are frequently used by local running groups and clubs. Please check out availability and membership fees if you wish to avail of the above facilities.
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon Training Guide
Week 5 of the 12 week training plan (...intended for the 31st of March)
Week 5
Mon 30mins easy, Tue 60mins easy, Wed Rest, Thurs warm up 20mins fast warm down, Fri Rest, Sat 30mins easy, Sun 90mins easy or 10k race
Week 5
Mon 45mins easy, Tues 12x1min on hills, Wed 75mins steady, Thurs 45mins easy, Fri rest- jog, Sat 45mins easy, Sun two and half hours or 10k race
Serious Runners
Week 5
Mon 45mins easy, Tues 10x2mins fast, Wed 90mins easy, Thurs 4x6mins fast, Fri rest/jog, Sat warm ups 12mins fast x2 warm downs, Sun two and half hours or 10k race
It is getting more and more difficult to get safe and attractive running routes. Most areas are now built up with houses or there is a vast amount of cars or traffic on the road.
As recreational runners, we should respect other road users. If running on the roads in the early morning or evening time, you should wear reflective clothing and wear bright clothing even during the day. Select a route that is safe and not too busy with traffic. It is a good idea to use a looped route with a big loop and a smaller loop which will give you an opportunity to leave some food or drinks at a particular point along the way.
It is important when you are going on long runs, whether you are going from home or your work place that you tell your family or work colleagues what route you are taking and the time you expect to return. This may not be as important if you are part of a running group or an organised run. Try and use a recognised running routes, where possible.
Please do not attempt to run the marathon course, or any part of it, other than on race day. It is not safe to do so, it is only safe to run the marathon route on race day when it is fully stewarded and marshalled by race officials.
During the Run
Always stay alert. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are. Think about possible escape routes in case of a confrontation. Take notice of who is ahead of you and who is behind you. Know where the nearest public sites are with some general activity - there is usually safety in numbers. If something seems suspicious, do not panic, but run in a different direction. Run clear of parked cars, bushes, dark areas. Run against traffic so that you can observe the approach of on coming cars and trucks. If the same car cruises past you more than once, take note of even a partial registration number and make it obvious that you are aware of its presence (but keep your distance).
Once again it is advisable to link up with a running partner or running group. Many running groups meet up at their local sports centre or club. There are two running tracks in Cork at UCC Sports centre in the Mardyke and at CIT track in Bishopstown these are frequently used by local running groups and clubs. Please check out availability and membership fees if you wish to avail of the above facilities.
Champion Sports Cork City Marathon Training Guide
Week 5 of the 12 week training plan (...intended for the 31st of March)
Week 5
Mon 30mins easy, Tue 60mins easy, Wed Rest, Thurs warm up 20mins fast warm down, Fri Rest, Sat 30mins easy, Sun 90mins easy or 10k race
Week 5
Mon 45mins easy, Tues 12x1min on hills, Wed 75mins steady, Thurs 45mins easy, Fri rest- jog, Sat 45mins easy, Sun two and half hours or 10k race
Serious Runners
Week 5
Mon 45mins easy, Tues 10x2mins fast, Wed 90mins easy, Thurs 4x6mins fast, Fri rest/jog, Sat warm ups 12mins fast x2 warm downs, Sun two and half hours or 10k race
Please note you should use a reasonable recovery time between your repetitions.
Regards........Mick Dooley, Cork BHAA 087-9790806 , Cork City Marathon
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