
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday newspaper articles on Martin Fagan...

There were two newspaper articles today about Martin Fagan and his two year ban for taking EPO.

In the first one in the Irish Times, Ian O'Riordan talks about the original interview with Fagan and how the story broke.

In the second one in the Sunday Independent, Eamonn Sweeney doesn't mince his words as he writes a piece that is critical of Fagan and the way the Irish Times covered the story.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting articles. to be honest the point about fagan feeling isolated and in fear of losing his funding after 12 months is tough to read and as elvis said "walk a mile in my shoes" ;-)on that level, on the personal level i can see his problems but on another level fagan attempted to cheat. no one forced his hand. in normal jobs if any of us were caught taking drugs we would be fired and arrested and no one would be sympathising either. fagan crossed the rubicon, took a chance and made that choice himself. what worries me is the number of other athletes who are trying to "explain" away his choices.i wouldn't be calling him a role model either. it all begs the question who elese is cheating?


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