
Saturday, June 08, 2024

Guest Post: Reflection Pat Walsh

 ** Reflection **

When you hear that word, you can click away as another old load of cobbles from this eejit. Still I will write away and if you click off no worries. I know where you are G O’D… 😃

What did I learn from Cork marathon event last weekend that we can all take some inspiration, learning and comfort from.

These points can be true of any event in Ireland so they are relevant to all.

1. People are fantastic, help and support is always there, whether from: 

The organisers to make a smooth event for everyone.

Fellow runners who encourage and some had to physically help others during a race.

Supporters who feed, water, encourage and give us runners a lift.

Professional medical help, who were in high demand during the race last week.

2. Watching the top runners at the peak of their game who glide along in times we cannot even dream about. I say to you, thanks for even letting me in the same event as yourself. It was a pleasure watching you in action.

3. Is the whole ‘anyone can do this’ gone too far. I was near the end of the field and the numbers thrown down on the side of the road was frightening. I don’t know why and I am NO EXPERT but: 

Some looked unprepared, 

Some went far too hard, far too early in that heat,

Some never listened to the advice that Cork isn’t PB country, trained in the cold and ran in the heat.

I love to encourage people to run, but responsibility lies with each of us and not the organisers. 

TRY NOT to end up needing medical help. YES it will happen occasionally but it shouldn’t happen at the rate it did last Sunday.

Running a half or a full marathon in June in Ireland is a serious undertaking.

4. And I’m back on BUZZ. Super day out.

People are fantastic and we get so much from these events. The fun, the laughs, the hugs, the memories created. I walked the half due to circumstances. No-one made me feel out of place doing this and I got as much pleasure from it as I have from any other edition of this race. Thanks C.D. for the company along the way

For Sharon  --- Make your own kind of music – I made mine.

5. Philisophical Pat: Is it the journey or the destination or the people you met along the way?

Remember if you never turned up and didn’t take part in these events you will never know the answer. 

No memories are made sitting on the couch. The courage to take part means you never fail. 

We all have our own goals. We are not all at the same level. Our achievements are personal. My dreams are important to me.

Few days away this week on the trail of WB Yeats in Sligo.

'But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.'

Have a lovely weekend 


1 comment:

  1. Pat some lovely reflections and very wise words on running around Cork in early June ! 😅 Keep posting and hope the recovery is going well.


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