
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Guest Post: IRISH 10-MILE RANKINGS Q1 2023 John Walshe

IRISH 10-MILE RANKINGS Q1 2023 John Walshe

As has been done for the past number of years, this is an attempt to compile a ranking list over the popular 10-mile distance for men (under 55:00) and women (under 65:00).

The list, from January to April 10th, shows the time (gun), name/club/category, the race and finishing position, along with the date. Where an athlete appears more than once, just the surname is used after the initial listing.

Although both leading times – Yared Derese 49:04 and Aoife Cooke 54:50 – are both slightly slower than last year’s fastest at this stage (48:40 by Jake O’Regan and 54:19 by Cooke), the overall standard is higher.

Last year, up to the end of March, 61 times for men appeared under 55 minutes along with 55 for women under 65 minutes. This year, the corresponding figures are 84 for men and 62 for women.
Dungarvan, with 22 under 55:00 (up from 16 last year), saw the highest standard race amongst the men with the next highest being Trim on 13.

The West Waterford race also saw the most women under 65:00 with 15 performances surpassing the 12 at Trim, last year’s leader with the same amount.

Any additions or corrections are welcome and can be made on the comments section wherever this list appears and will be included in the next updated edition in around three months time.

49:04 Yared Derese (Carrick Aces, M40) Trim (1) Feb 05
49:23 Jake O’Regan (St Johns) Bundoran (1) Mar 04
49:35 Ryan Creech (Leevale) Mallow (1) Mar 26
49:52 William Maunsell (Clonmel) Dungarvan (1) Feb 05
49:55 Mick Clohisey (Raheny) Trim (2) Feb 05
50:32 Martin Hoare (Celbridge) Trim (3) Feb 05
50:37 Niall Shanahan (An Bru) Mallow (2) Mar 26
50:43 Tim O’Donoghue (East Cork) Kinsale (1) Feb 26
50:47 O’Regan Cobh (1) Apr 02
51:04 David McCarthy (West Waterford) Dungarvan (2) Feb 05
51:10 Clohisey Cobh (2) Apr 02
51:26 Conor McAuley (Leevale) Dungarvan (3) Feb 05
51:28 Hoare Ballyroan (1) Jan 22
51:45 Oisin Spillane (Ennis TC) Tralee (1) Feb 11
51:45 John-Paul Wiliamson (Derry City TC) Larne (1) Mar 25
51:48 Tudor Moldovan (Clonliffe) Bundoran (2) Mar 04
51:51 Conal McCambridge (Foyle Valle) Larne (2) Mar 25
51:55 Dean Casey (Ennis TC) Mallow (3) Mar 26
51:57 Peter Somba (Dunboyne) Mallow (4) Mar 26
51:58 Kane Collins (Donore) Mallow (5) Mar 26
51:59 Eoin Mulloy (unatt) Trim (4) Feb 05
51:59 Somba Raheny (1) Apr 10
52:06 Jamie Gahan (KCH, M40) Dungarvan (4) Feb 05
52:24 Scott Rankin (Foyle Valley) Larne (3) Mar 25
52:28 Feidhlim McGowan (North Sligo) Trim (5) Feb 05
52:28 Mossy Braken (Moycarkey-Coolroo) Dungarvan (5) Feb 05
52:29 Ieuan Hopkins (Brothers Pearse) Trim (6) Feb 05
52:31 Pat Fitzgerald (Waterford) Dungarvan (6) Feb 05
52:32 Rankin Derry (1) Mar 11
52:35 Alexander Wallace (St Cocas, M40) Trim (7) Feb 05
52:37 Moldovan Turgesius (1) Feb 19
52:40 Noel Murphy (Waterford) Dungarvan (7) Feb 05
52:40 Donal Coakley (Leevale) Dungarvan (8) Feb 05
52:50 Michael Bruton (Leevale) Cobh (3) Apr 02
52:51 Moldovan Kinsale (2) Feb 26
52:53 Noel McNally (RRAC, M40) Larne (4) Mar 25
52:56 Colm Griffin (Ballinamore, M40) Trim (8) Feb 05
53:07 McNally Trim (9) Feb 05
53:13 Pat Hennessy (West Waterford) Kinsale (3) Feb 26
53:14 Mick Fogarty (Ferbane, M40) Raheny (2) Apr 10
53:20 Danny Mooney (Letterkenny) Bundoran (3) Mar 04
53:24 Karl Nolan (Clonliffe) Raheny (3) Apr 10
53:25 John Meade (St Finbarrs, M40) Dungarvan (9) Feb 05
53:30 Eoghain McGinley (Letterkenny) Bundoran (4) Mar 04
53:32 Jordan Heron (Larne) Larne (5) Mar 25
53:33 Sean Hehir (Croghan) Gorey (1) Mar 12
53:34 George Snee (Dunboyne, M40) Raheny (4) Apr 10
53:40 Michael McMahon (North Cork, M40) Dungarvan (10) Feb 05
53:41 Alan O’Shea (Bantry, M40) Cobh (4) Apr 02
53:43 Vivian Foley (Eagle, M50) Dungarvan (11) Feb 05
53:44 Barry Donovan (Cork TC) Mallow (6) Mar 26
53:46 Michael McMahon (North Cork, M40) Mallow (7) Mar 26
53:58 Andy Goulding (Grange-Fermoy) Dungarvan (12) Feb 05
54:02 Brendan Murphy (Crusaders) Dungarvan (13) Feb 05
54:02 Mark Wallace (Letterkenny) Bundoran (5) Mar 04
54:02 Tom McKenzie (Leevale) Mallow (8) Mar 26
54:05 Myles Gibbons (SBR, M45) Dungarvan (14) Feb 05
54:06 Barry Twohig (St Finbarrs, M40) Dungarvan (15) Feb 05
54:07 Derek Griffin (unatt) Tralee (2) Feb 11
54:07 Fitzgerald Kilsheelan (1) Mar 17
54:08 Coakley Mallow (9) Mar 26
54:09 Nathan O’Leary (Leevale) Dungarvan (16) Feb 05
54:10 Craig O’Brien (Ferrybank) Dungarvan (17) Feb 05
54:17 Michael Morgan (St Finbarrs, M45) Dungarvan (18) Feb 05
54:19 James Hamilton (Ballymena Runners) Larne (6) Mar 25
54:22 Heywood Richardson (Leevale) Cobh (5) Apr 02
54:23 Barry Whelan (unatt) Trim (10) Feb 05
54:23 Alan Boggle (unatt, M40) Derry (2) Mar 11
54:25 Brian Martin (Drogheda & Dist, M40) Trim (11) Feb 05
54:26 Coakley Cobh (6) Apr 02
54:28 Mark Walsh (Leevale) Ballyroan (2) Jan 22
54:32 Stephen Wylie (Annadale) Trim (12) Feb 05
54:35 Nolan Naas (1) Mar 05
54:36 Gavin Kelly (Newbridge, M40) Trim (13) Feb 05
54:41 Griffin Mallow (10) Mar 26
54:42 Mark Kirwan (Raheny) Raheny (5) Apr 10
54:46 Danny Mullins (Bantry) Dungarvan (!9) Feb 05
54:48 Seamus Somers (Sligo, M45) Cobh (7) Apr 02
54:50 McKenzie Dungarvan (20) Feb 05
54:52 Somers Bundoran (6) Mar 04
54:52 Snee Turgesius (2) Feb 19
54:52 Matthew Collins (Portmarnock) Raheny (6) Apr 10
54:57 Aubrey Storey (Tramore, M45) Dungarvan (21) Feb 05
54:57 Ravis Zakis (West Waterford, M40) Dungarvan (22) Feb 05

54:50 Aoife Cooke (Eagle) Cobh (1) Apr 02
55:07 Michelle Finn (Leevale) Cobh (2) Apr 02
55:48 Mary Mulhare (Portlaoise) Dungarvan (1) Feb 05
57:27 Ciara Hickey (Brothers Pearse, F40) Trim (1) Feb 05
58:15 Breege Connolly (CNRD TC, F45) Bundoran (1) Mar 04
58:56 Claire McGuigan (Lifford Straban, F40) Derry (1) Mar 11
59:22 Rachel Birt (Annalee) Trim (2) Feb 05
59:28 Edel Gaffney (Trim) Trim (3) Feb05
59:34 Sally Forristal (St Josephs) Dungarvan (2) Feb 05
59:37 Caitlyn Harvey (RRAC) Trim (4) Feb 05
59:37 Niamh Moore (Leevale) Mallow (1) Mar 26
59:49 Dearbhla Cox (Annadale) Trim (5) Feb 05
60:01 Laura Buckley (Dunboyne) Ballyroan (1) Jan 22
60:19 Aoife O’Leary (Sportsworld, F40) Dungarvan (3) Feb 05
60:23 Sara Doohan (Corran, F40) Bundoran (2) Mar 04
60:28 Ciara Toner (C of Derry Spartans, F40) Bundoran (3) Mar 04
60:35 Niamh Clifford (Donore) Tralee (1) Feb 11
60:43 Hannah Steeds (Leevale) Kinsale (1) Feb 26
60:44 Harvey Larne (1) Mar 25
60:55 Helen McCready (Rosses) Bundoran (4) Mar 04
60:56 Lauren Dermody (Castlecomer) Dungarvan (4) Feb 05
61:22 Siobhan Eviston (Raheny) Trim (6) Feb 05
61:29 Maria Mulligan (unatt) Bundoran (5) Mar 04
61:38 Sarah Baryga (Sli Cualann, F45) Trim (7) Feb 05
61:45 Caroline Donnellan (Edenderry, F45) Raheny (1) Apr 10
61:49 Angela McCann (Clonmel, F50) Dungarvan (5) Feb 05
61:49 Sarahjane Cooke (Annadale, F40) Derry (2) Mar 11
62:08 Sinead Murtagh (NEWCD, F40) Trim (8) Feb 05
62:11 Adele Walsh (St Senans, F45) Dungarvan (6) Feb 05
62:21 Catherine Murphy (Eagle, F45) Dungarvan (7) Feb 05
62:24 Linda O’Sullivan (Watergrasshill, F50) Dungarvan (8) Feb 05
62:40 Shona Keane (Dooneen, F40) Dungarvan (9) Feb 05
62:40 Murphy Mallow (2) Mar 26
62:43 Baryga Raheny (2) Apr 10
62:45 Orla Byrne (St Finbarrs) Mallow (3) Mar 26
62:54 Donnellan Trim (9) Feb 05
62:59 Aisling O’Connor (Edenderry) Raheny (3) Apr 10
63:02 Jean Lucey (unatt, F35) Dungarvan (10) Feb 05
63:15 Clara Ryan (St Finbarrs) Mallow (4) Mar 26
63:15 Elisoa Crawford (North Belfast, F50) Larne (2) Mar 25
63:19 Lorna Wolfe (unatt, F35) Dungarvan (11) Feb 05
63:20 Michelle Donnelly (Carmen R) Bundoran (6) Mar 04
63:26 Maria McCambridge (DSD, F45) Trim (10) Feb 05
63:27 Sara Hobson (unatt) Dungarvan (12) Feb 05
63:31 Fiona McQuillan (North Down, F40) Larne (3) Mar 25
63:32 Caroline Hassett (Templemore, F40) Dungarvan (13) Feb 05
63:32 Breda Gaffney (Mallow, F50) Kinsale (2) Feb 26
63:45 Lucey Kinsale (3) Feb 26
63:49 Caroline McLoughlin (Dublin Bay) Raheny (4) Apr 10
63:59 Gaffney Dungarvan (14) Feb 05
64:00 Ryan Kinsale (4) Feb 26
64:03 Sarah Flanagan (Tullamore, F45) Raheny (5) Apr 10
64:06 Ciara Cunningham (Tir Chonaill) Bundoran (7) Mar 04
64:13 Emily Knox (Leevale) Mallow (5) Mar 26
64:19 Aoife Quigley (Crusaders, F35) Trim (11) Feb 05
64:19 Yvonne McCauley (Crusaders) Raheny (6) Apr 10
64:38 Niamh Cronin (St Finbarrs, F45) Mallow (6) Mar 26
64:39 Cora Regan (Drumshanbo, F40) Trim (12 Feb 05
64:39 Danielle Logue (unatt) Derry (3) Mar 11
64:49 Laura McGarrity (Galbally R) Bundoran (8) Mar 04
64:51 Katie Wilson (Wexford Marathon Club) Gorey (1) Mar 12
64:54 Irene Eighan (St Finbarrs, F40) Dungarvan (15) Feb 05

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