
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Guest Post: Goal Setting... by Pat Walsh

** Goal Setting **

If you think I am losing it and asking you to try this at the moment, then that is fair enough.
If you have so much on your plate that you cannot think past the next hour, next day then I do understand and feel for you.
In an attempt to put some positivity into the situation, I ask you all to think of a Goal.

Don’t make it too hard, don’t make it too long, don’t make it too fast.
Do not set yourself up to fail… plan to achieve. I am doing this for me to help me cope. If it helps even 1 other person I am pleased.

A Goal can give us something to train for and put us more in control of our own situation.
We are all in different places at the moment in regards to free time and access to a safe area to run in. I do appreciate that and if it is impossible for you to run at the moment then find peace with that.
If you are running, then a short term goal might help the next few weeks.
So many miles per week, so many runs per week. Anything to help you.
I published a plan for January a few weeks back and bar a hiccup week I am still near enough to that. The aim is a 10mile around Patrick’s day and I will put up the next part of the plan next week.
If 10 mile seems too far then maybe you might consider a 10k.
 📒🔭If you have plans for later in the year and wondering how this is all affecting you, then I urge you to stop worrying. Nobody knows how the Year will work out and what situation we will find ourselves in. If you had a Marathon I mind, then just keep running for the moment and see how the next few months go. A steady weekly mileage base is ideal for later in the Year and maybe you can set a weekly goal that way. There is enough pressure on our daily lives at the moment, don’t make it worse by setting a hard plan and failing.
The feeling of self-control will help you. Yes there are restrictions and limits in place but by taking charge of your destiny at the moment you will feel that:
I still can do something
F*ck those in charge they won’t hold me back
I decide what I do
I am still active
I will be awesome when racing returns

🛋2🏃 I am aware that many are inactive for a while and if you would like some form of a Couch to 5K plan then I have no trouble putting one together for you. It is a traditional time of the Year for many to think of taking up running but some prefer to wait until April when evenings are longer and easier to run in.
Small wins 🏃💞
If you do something that you are pleased with and proud of, then please feel free to share with me publicly or privately. You forced yourself out to run and when home you are delighted and want to tell the world. FEEL FREE 👏
Anyone needing help or advice please ask.
After a week of level 6 negativity, I am back on level 3. Thanks everyone for the support. If you are in trouble yourself don't be afraid to reach out.
Respect and obey guidelines please, we owe it to those on the frontline. We will be back. I will see you all again.

"We will rebuild, reconcile and recover and every known nook of our nation and every corner called our country, our people diverse and beautiful will emerge, battered and beautiful. When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid" 

Amanda Gorman at US Presidential  Inauguration speech last week.
#pwr #survive21

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