
Friday, September 27, 2019

Cork runner Claire O'Brien heads to San Francisco...

Claire O'Brien...3rd in the 2019 Echo Women's mini-marathon (Photo: Joe Murphy)

If you look through the results of any of the local road races in Cork, you'll often find Claire O'Brien of Watergrasshill AC listed in the top three female finishers.

Claire has made great improvements in recent years under the watchful eye of coach and fellow running partner Kieran McKeown.

Claire is now San Franciso bound with her husband John and she will no doubt be doing plenty of races over there. The race times in the US tend to be slower than Ireland so she can expect to be even more competitive.

There's probably some young wan over there at the moment winning loads of races and is in for a rude awakening once Claire arrives! 😂😂

Whatever happens, it should be a good experience to see what the race scene is like over there and how it differs to here. Who knows, we might even persuade Claire to pen a guest post in the future! 😉

Claire helping to refuel the main man Jerry Forde... a full time job in itself

And for an idea of what a race in San Francisco looks like, check out this great photo below showing the marathon going over the Golden Gate bridge...

Best of luck to Claire on a new adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Cork's loss is San Fran's gain.
    Give it socks Claire!


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