
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Irish Sports Council announce athlete funding for 2016...

A few weeks back, the Irish Sports Council announced the following grants for Irish athletes....

NGB Applicant Category Recommendation

2016 Total...Athletics Ireland... 

Robert Heffernan... Podium €40,000...(2015 = €40k, 2014 = €40k, 2013 = €40k, 2012 = €40k).

Fionnuala McCormack... World Class €20,000....(2015 = €20k, 2014 = €20k, 2013 = €20k, 2012 = €20k)

Ciaran O'Lionaird... World Class €20,000...(2015 = €20k, 2014 = €12k, 2013 = €20k, 2012 = €20k).

Mark English... World Class €20,000...(2015 = €20k, 2014 = €12k, 2013 = €0k, 2012 = €0k).

Paul Robinson... World Class €20,000...(2015 = €20k, 2014 = €12k, 2013 = €0k, 2012 = €0k).

Thomas Barr... World Class €20,000...(2015 = €20k, 2014 = €0k, 2013 = €0k, 2012 = €0k)

Mens 4x4 Relay... World Class €20,000...New

Brian Gregan... International €12,000...(2015 = €12k, 2014 = €12k, 2013 = €12k, 2012 = €0k).

Brendan Boyce... International €12,000...(2015 = €12k, 2014 = €12k, 2013 = €12k, 2012 = €0k).

Alex Wright... International €12,000...New

Ciara Everard... International €12,000...New

Ciara Mageean... International €12,000 (2015 = €12k)

Total €220,000

The funding levels are usually based on the performance of previous years as opposed to just 2016.


  1. And pat hickey etc get how much? Paltry money to our athletes.

  2. Rob Heffernan should consider himself lucky.

    1. Alfie Davis31/8/16 10:14 am

      ?? Robert Heffernan probably does consider himself lucky but if working as hard as he does he certainly deserves any luck he gets

  3. If you add the total for athletics and swimming its less about 70k less than the Paralympic equivalent. Am I missing something there??
    I assume michael o reillys €40k will not now be paid!!

  4. Rob Heffernan proved in Rio when he finished 6th that he is still one of the best race walkers in the world. He has every right to be on the top grant.

  5. Team GB leave us standing.

  6. Ciara Mageean worth more? Is COL retired or not?
    Not a lot as other poster says.

  7. The amount Ciara Mageean would have got will probably be based on pre-2016 performances.

  8. Disgraceful, why would young Irish athlete to aspire to take up athletics full time - if our finest are not even on a liveable income? Surely if athletes achieve an A standard or potential to be world class they deserve to confortable purse so they can try to achieve their goals, otherwise Ireland/the sports counsel will get what we paid for..


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