
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Ballycotton '10' Updates...Race Packages, Transferring Numbers & Water Stations

Latest updates from Ballycotton Running Promotions....

Race packages:
All 3,500+ race packages have now been posted out. Unfortunately, as the addresses given on a small number were incorrect, they were sent back to us. After making contact with most of those involved, the packages were again posted out to the correct addresses. Any runners who have not received their number by Friday must call to the Trouble Desk in the hall on Sunday morning (from 10am) for a new one.

2) Transferring numbers:
Your race number is a bit like a plane tickets, each entry is personally registered to a specific named individual. Running in someone else’s number can have serious implications if the runner suffers a medical emergency – there have been cases where it has been difficult to identify or contact families of runners who have suffered potentially life-threatening conditions whilst using someone else’s race number.

The accuracy of the results is also affected when runners are placed in the wrong age and sex category and it causes a lot of unnecessary hassle for organisers.

So the message is clear – if you can’t run, DON’T give your number to someone else. If you have already done so, get it back and destroy it. By signing the entry form, you have agreed not to transfer your race number – and anyone caught doing so will face the consequences. 

3) Water station:
This year, there will be only one water station which is situated at the halfway mark at Ballymaloe (on both sides of the road). Water will be in bottles and if runners wish to carry the bottles we would urge them to use the bins provided along the course to discard the empties. 

Amongst the reasons for moving the water station from 3M/7M was the congestion caused as the runners on the way back were meeting those on the way out.

After finishing, bottled water, bananas and Mars Bars will be available just beyond the baggage area – not at the finish line. Also, we ask people not to be greedy and to leave enough for those finishing behind them.


  1. A poor show that there is only one Water Station now. Compare that to any other 10 mile race where there is always several points along the route.

    I'll definitely consider bringing my own water for the full distance now, which isn't ideal if one is trying for a good finish time or PB.....!

  2. One is plenty, its Ballycotton in March, not the Sahara desert

  3. One station is plenty,temp.
    wont be in the 20's on sunday.

  4. If you need that much water for running a 10 mile then you may not be ready for what a 10 mile entails. I echo the 2 previous comments, it's March in Ireland and it's by the sea!

  5. 1 water station is plenty!!!

    if you cannot last a 10 mile road race with only 1 water station then you have not prepared correctly to run it. hydrate well before hand

  6. One water station in an early March race is quite sufficient, it will also cut down on the confusion that usually exists at water stations and make the race more free flowing, actually people should hydrate prior to the race as it has been proved that over in race hydrating in a race of that distance or shorter can sometimes be even counter productive especially in cold weather.

  7. The 11th commandment- "Thou shall not criticise or in any way question the Ballycotton ten/five mile series" ;-)

  8. Yes, I have to agree with the last comment. The sharp, even bitter counter-criticism is truly excessive and very much out of proportion. There's also an assumption there that the person who posted the first comment is new to running or never ran a 10 mile race before (looks to me that they've run other 10 miles races?).

    The 11th commandment indeed!

    If people don't want to use water stations then just keep running! If others feel they benefit from it, then why not? There will be runners at all levels of ability during this race, so if any of those who replied are doing it in 60 mins or under, then remember that others will be running for 90 or 100 minutes.

    Otherwise, maybe just scrap the water stations altogether, or just make it an elite-only race if people are going to get so worked up about differences of opinion....

  9. It's a free Country & thou shall not enter if you are not happy with Ballycotton ten/five mile series

  10. So it's ok for Ballycotton to provide the one water station yet every other 10 mile road race provide adequate water stations that cater for all categories.

    The Dungarvan 10 mile road race for example provided plenty of water stations and this Race is of the same standard as Ballycotton so in my opinion it's wrong and risky for Ballycotton Running Promotions to go with just the one water station.

    I don't agree with some of the nonsense that has been posted regarding this issue but as an experienced runner with 20+ races done in Ballycotton, this is wrong and must be seen to be cutting corners.
    This is a backward step.

  11. The one station is plenty.

    it is amazing the amount of people that feel they need water during every step they take. As one poster said be prepared and get well hydrated before hand. If you are dehydrated before the race you are putting yourself at risk.


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