
Monday, May 14, 2012

New film 'Town of Runners' to be screened in Cork on the 20th of June

Town of Runners is a new film following the lives of two young athletes in the small town of Bekoji in Ethiopia. Perhaps like it's Kenyan equivalent of Iten, this Ethiopian town is noted for having produced many of that countries world class athletes.

This film was screened in the UK and in Dublin recently but there was no showing of it in Cork. With that in mind, I made a few enquiries and am now able to confirm that the Gate Cinema in Cork City will be screening it thanks to Mahers Sports. The show will be on at 7pm on Wednesday, the 20th of June. (approx 90 mins)

Some points...
1) It doesn't clash with any football fixture in the European Championships!
2) I don't know what the cost will be but it's likely to be cheap.
3) be decided.

Considering that this has never been done before, it's hard to guess what the demand might be like. Should it be on in a large or small cinema? So to help gauge interest, you might complete the poll on the right hand side. Just click on the Yes button if you are interested in going.


  1. Was gonna buy the DVD as its out on the 11th but would rather see it on the big screen.

  2. I would be iterested in seeing it myself, however a review on the radio recently was very critical of the film...explaining that it focussed on two girls at the start and never followed through with them. It also said that it was not very informative about why so many Olympic winners come from this small area !!!!

  3. Sounds great definitely interested, book a big screen!!

  4. I wouldn't believe everything I hear on the radio or read online but for some balance there are quite a few positive reviews here:

  5. I'll gladly go to see the film and be able to make my own decision, thanks for giving us the option to go!

  6. It has a few votes on IMDB
    Will go to see.

  7. yes! I was hoping to watch it and now its gonna be in cork!!! yes yes yes!!! thanks

  8. cant wait


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