
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Full list of entries for the 2012 Ballycotton '10' out now...

So here we go, the full list of the 3,600 or so entants for the 2012 Ballycotton '10' road race...

The list in numerical order is HERE

The list in alphabethical order is HERE

So some of you got in and obviously, some didn't. The last time when I put up the first 2,500 entries, I got some comments like these and to be frank, some are pretty childish...

1) Posted in GPO Tuesday evening and didn't get in. Ridiculous! And very doubtful there were 2500 genuine entries before me.

2) Same here. They didn't close the entries until the Thursday. Mine surely got there on the Wednesday morning. I guess it's their way of getting people to enter the summer series.

3) i posted mine on tueday morning so it's like jobs for the boys if you ask me

4) Dont think they have a clue how to organise a race. posted early post on the tues this year ( hadn't done summer series) and haven't got in. Have no idea what they are doing with the entries but doesn't seem fair to me. having said that only do it because of the talk about it, don't particularly enjoy the race. plenty of better local races about. Wont be trying to do it again or the summer series

5) There is obviously going to be disappointment when like myself people who posted before last post on Tuesday didn't get in. It's Archaic in this day and age that I had to go so far out of my way to get it in before last post on Tuesday anyway!! Has anyone heard of the bloody Internet?? Last time i run or waste my time entering Ballycotton! Dungarvan and Cobh are far better races!!

What has happened this year is that the demand has been so great that even some of those who posted on the Tuesday didn't get in. I did a poll here before a few years ago and I asked people when they got their Ballycotton SAE forms back. The organisers had posted them on the weekend and sure enough, loads of people did not get them on Monday. Some arrived Tuesday, some Wednesday. So whatever day you posted your entry this time, it didn't mean An Post delivered it the next day.

The fact is that Ballycotton Running Promotions are a voluntary organisation. They're not in it to make money. The truth is that the easiest way for them to control the numbers would be to double the entry fee, take in loads of money and it would close in a few weeks without all of the hassle. But that's not what they do. Their aim is to put on one of the oldest 10 mile road races in the country at a modest price and be as fair as possible.

So in reply...
1) Yes, if you did not make the first list then 2,500 people WERE in front of you.
2) And no, they ARE NOT looking for loads of more people for the Summer Series. They can just about handle the numbers as it is.
3) There are NO jobs for the boys as the boys are most likely members of athletic clubs and could avail of the two week window.
4) And yes, they DO know how to organise a race, they've been doing it for 30 odd years.
5) And NOT everyone is sitting in front of a computer all day. The postal system gives everyone the same chance. And if it was such a bad race, why did you bother entering???

The basic fact is that too many people want to take part in this race. In truth, it's probably no better or no worse than a lot of other races. If you are on the list, then enjoy it. If not, there are plenty of other races. There is no point moaning and complaining about it.


  1. Well said. It's only a day. So many other possibilities.

  2. Was disapponted last year not to get in but elated this year so I can cmplet the 4 ten mile series. Lokking forward to it. Like all things, if you want to do it, you will get in and hopefully enjoy it, I know I will on the day....

  3. Well said John. Plenty other options out there for racing if people really want to.

  4. Since all you have to do to virtually guarantee yourself an entry is joining a running club, these complaints are just ridiculous.

  5. For those that failedto get in to Ballycotton or those that just want another 10 mile race, there is always the Mallow AC / Kostal 10 Mile Road Race on bank-holiday Monday, march 19th at 12.30 ...entries now open on-line at

  6. Yipee - Yahoo - I got in!

  7. Joining a running club is cheap (e.g. Mallow is €20) this will guarantee entry in addition to the benefits of being a club member.

  8. Congrats to all those who were fortunate enough to get in.

    Is the whole Ballycotton event over hyped ?

    I appreciate many 000's of people register to run it every year and it may be a tradition to take part but is it just not another 10 mile race ? The start is a disaster, the course is tough and the facilities are very limited. I've run it 4 times and missed it last year due to injury - I can't say it upset me. Plenty of my club mates feel exactly the same.

  9. people should move on. i missed out. did it for the last3/4 years. mallow is a good one as is dungarvan. intrigued about mealagh valley too and kilnaboy - they are tough tho. great island 10 is good too. in the summer you have the ballyhoura series and donoughmore 7 not to mention the BHAA. in sept blarney half and charleville half.plenty races there


  10. Please forget the sour grapes. Ballycotton is an occasion, not just a race, and it is a "must do at least once" for any road runner. However, if you didn't make it this year, there are other 10 mile races. There are no perfect races, & like all races, Ballycotton has it's strengths & weaknesses.

  11. Very well said John, keep up the good work and don't let the Begrudgers grind you down..

  12. Looking forward to it....will be my 20th on the trot....pardon the pun......they don't get any easier.


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