
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Poll....Should headphones and MP3 players be banned???
A few months ago, headphones were banned in most road races. As far as I know, this was because the company that provided the liability insurance for the races felt that if someone was running with headphones, they were not paying full attention to what was going on around them. As such, they were unlikely to hear other runners or traffic and were more likely to be involved in an accident.

A visitor to this website left the following comment recently...
"Hi John. I have heard that they are starting to ban headphones at races. Is this true and could some one tell me why as I have never heard of anyone getting hurt at a race with or without them? I have been running for only 4 years but do a lot of long distance running with 8 marathons to date. I am not fast either and still have to break 4 hours so if they ban them, there is no way I will run. I think others will feel very strong about it as well.....Maurice"

Now, if the insurance company has decided they should be banned, then that's it. But I thought it would be interesting to find out what people think. Do you agree or disagree? Click on the new poll on the right to vote or leave a comment below saying why they should or should not be banned.


  1. Look if the BHAA feel its necessary to ban the use of headphones then we have got to respect their decision.Its not going to hurt to take the head phones off for their races.

  2. Runners all over the world run races with headphones, are they banned any where else?, are we over reacting?, nanny state Ireland again? Waste of time any how this ban as every race I have run in since the ban I have caome acccross plenty of runners still wearing them peoples republic rebel, rebel, rebel.........

  3. Hi, I sort of agree with the rule of the ban in that a short run of five miles or less it seems hardly worth it. But I must say on longer ones like ten miles or so it helps to keep you going. But then again you might find someone at your pace and the race goes a lot quicker.Hope this does not annoy anyone!

  4. Yes it seems sensible to me. Personally I find headphones useful for when running in the gym listening to the theme from Gladiator, etc. On the road I prefer to enjoy the view and the world around me. I can understand though for long distances how headphones can be attractive if there is no other motivation around.

  5. I think it is a bad idea wearing headphones while you are running because first of all you can't hear traffic coming from behind you on the road. In non traffic areas it is slightly safer, but you still can't hear properly if someone shouts at you.I think you should focus on your running and not on earphones.

  6. I think that a little bit of common sense and there would be no reason for banning headphones. When do people start taking a little personal responsibility for their actions. The way this country is going we will not be able have freedom of choice in anything anymore.

  7. The only people wearing headphones are fun runners.No serious runner wears them in races.How many prize winners wear them ? Let the fun runners stick to FUN RUNS and leave the races to the people who take running seriously.Why should some fool who is running for fun be allowed to endanger my life ? He/she can do as they wish with their own life but should consider other people and not put peoples lives in danger. Bill T

  8. Hi bill T,number 1 who are you to call a fun runner a fool when did anyone wearing headphones put the top runners lifes in danger remember you called us fun runners, i think that means we would be no where near the standard of the top athletes in road running so we would be a bit far away from them in a road race to put thier lives in danger,i run nearly every race and i know all the top athletes personally but ive never heard of you,get a life man and dont call us fools either.I dont wear headphones durning races and it never bothered me when i saw others wear them.

  9. Lets face it we are all fun runners just running at different times. No olympic runners here as far as i can see.
    Anyway back to the headphones; if people are used to running with headphones they should be allowed to use them in races if it helps their concentration or enjoyment!
    By the way its great to have a forum for this debate.


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