Google+ Running in Cork, Ireland: Coroner finds that death of female runner was due to misdiagnosis of injury

Monday, September 09, 2019

Coroner finds that death of female runner was due to misdiagnosis of injury

In 2018, mother of two Sarah-Jayne Roche suffered a fracture to her femur during the Cardiff Half-Marathon. This was was misdiagnosed as a pulled hamstring in the hospital which she visited on three occasions.

At the inquest recently, a coroner found that the failure to x-ray the injured leg on three separate occasions led to an incorrect diagnosis and contributed to her eventual death 12 days after the Half-Marathon due to "developing deep vein thrombosis".

The story was covered recently in the Guardian newspaper HERE

It is perhaps a reminder that we should always err on the side of caution when it comes to injuries.

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